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Reviews (1,698)


Robot on the Road (2015) 

English Robot on the Road is a short story about the fact that the word robot is masculine, or maybe about the fact that it does not work out if you pick up hitchhikers, or that on the internet, even the biggest anonymous zero can be the greatest number one. In other words, they managed to cram quite a lot into those ten minutes; it was funny, informative, and there were oppai, so it is an appealing bite-sized treat for pretty much any group of anime fans. 7/10.


Humanity Has Declined (2012) (series) 

English In a few words: this is brilliant! Humanity Has Declined is not just absurd; it is incredibly insane. Humanity Has Declined is an original show mainly because of its pastel colors, likable characters, and unpredictable storylines. It is sweet, funny, and simply oozes optimism. Plus, it looks like a happy little show for kids. However, there is an allegory for various aspects of society and culture in many entertaining and, most importantly, engaging narratives. Humanity Has Declined has so much to give, and I believe it could entertain even the more discerning viewers. The narrative does not progress chronologically, and so it is quite possible that you may feel a little lost while watching the first few episodes, although, on the other hand, it quickly becomes quite captivating. So not only am I completely satisfied, I have no problem watching this again at any time because, as I wrote in the introduction, Humanity Has Declined is a brilliant piece of work. 9.8/10.


Concrete Revolutio: Chōjin gensō - The Last Song (2016) (season) 

English I was definitely more interested in Concrete Revolutio: Superhuman Phantasmagoria - The Last Song than the first season. However, I agree with something I read on a forum that if the first season had not been what it was, then the second season would have had nothing to build on. Granted, it was still a series of stand-alone episodes, and some episodes, like the episode "Devila and Devilo", were really, really weird; however, the fact that I knew the setting and was more or less shown what actually happened made it all make a lot more sense. Plus, watching that weird fight between the agency and its former member was quite interesting, and I found the conclusion with the attempted sacrifice in the style of Code Geasss Zero and the outcome of it really well-executed. So Concrete Revolutio: Superhuman Phantasmagoria - The Last Song was definitely quite an original if also very peculiar show. I found some episodes interesting and others just very bizarre. However, because of the unusual execution, the quirky characters, and in my opinion, a very respectable ending that wrapped everything up (although not really), my final impression of the show is quite good. 6.4/10.


Magi: Sinbad no bóken (2016) (series) 

English The beginning of the Magi: Adventure of Sinbad anime series is better than the five-episode original video animation from 2014, in my opinion. It is more fleshed out and detailed, with Sinbad's childhood being given a whole episode instead of just a small mention of it as the plot goes along. Plus, a few new elements (like the spy) support the narrative and give it more depth. Also, all those familiar faces at the beginning of the first episode were a treat. To spare me further unnecessary reflections, I am going to offer a "profound" yet general truth - if you have more extensive material, it can only benefit from longer adaptation. I find the animation better than in the original OVA. Oh, and the other episodes were pretty good too. The characters are likable, the show is quite witty, and it has a fascinating narrative. I am therefore satisfied with the result. 8/10.


Magi: Adventure Of Sinbad (2014) 

English So I once again indulged in a proper spoiler. Before watching the anime television series adaptation, I watched this slightly shorter but probably more intense OVA version of Magi: Adventure of Sinbad. Well, I cannot complain too much, as I am familiar with both seasons of the anime series Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic with Ali Baba and Aladdin. Even the character Sinbad is familiar, so I more or less knew what I was getting into. It flowed nicely; it has a fascinating narrative, Sinbad is a likable character, and even Drakon was a pretty good character. So I got what I expected. While I am not enthusiastic, I am satisfied with this movie. 7/10.


Harmony (2015) 

English According to the premise, Harmony looks really interesting, even though the truth is that this movie is definitely not for everyone. There is a fair amount of philosophizing and dialogue in those two hours that are sometimes really quite heavy. The narrative drags incredibly in places, and if you are not interested in the ideas addressed here, you are probably going to be bored most of the time. The action is minimal, while Tuan Kirie, the main female protagonist’s musings, flashbacks, and conversations with other characters regarding the investigation and the state of the ideal society are more than enough. So if you are looking for an action movie, you had better stay away from this one! However, you might be interested in this, and if you like the ideas elaborated in this movie, you might even be very satisfied. You might enjoy this if you can and want to think a lot, are a passionate philosopher, psychologist, political scientist, or your favorite anime is something like From the New World. I, for one, end up more or less in the middle. I have seen it, I have hopefully understood most of it; I found it tedious at times, a little too thoughtful at times, and while I cannot deny that it has some thought-provoking qualities, it did not strike me as anything other than mediocre. The animation was interesting, although there was perhaps too much CGI. I quite liked the fact that the "ideal" city is dominated by shades of pink, which I thought was a metaphor, associated with the proverbial "rose-colored glasses" although somehow I do not know if that was the intention. I had no problem with the main character, Tuan Kirie, and I thought that the way her profound relationship with Miach Mihie was portrayed was quite good. On the whole, I had no significant problem with the psychology of the characters, which is quite important in a movie like this. Even the ending was quite good. All in all, this anime is definitely not just your average boring anime movie. I reckon that the reactions to it will be very contradictory because, as I wrote in the introduction, this is not for everyone. Unfortunately, it was not able to elicit any stronger response than 6/10 from a lazy ignoramus like me.


Angel Cop (1989) (series) 

English This show contains huge amounts of action, gore, violence, some psychic powers, terrorists, a special security force, and a "Robocop." It is pretty good and absolutely insane, and is well-paced, with something going on almost all the time. The narrative is not brilliant by any means, although as a complement to all the action-packed scenes, it is quite sufficient. You do not get a chance to get to know the characters well enough to form any sort of attachment to them, and honestly, I was rather annoyed with Angel for the most part. I think I liked Hacker, Peace, Asura, and Freya, the "pyrokinetic" girl, the most. I liked the animation, although I was not so happy with the soundtrack at times. All in all, this is a pretty decent action-packed show. 7/10.


Matsumoto fragment (1907) 

English For something that was probably made in 1907, Matsumoto fragment is actually a pretty good filmstrip.


Big Order (2016) (series) 

English The first impression I got of this show was not so great, it seemed so chaotic, and somehow it just did not seem to make any sense to me. The main male protagonist was not very good, and his special powers and abilities were not very impressive. The only thing that caught my attention was that the main male protagonist had his abilities cut down to a hundredth of a percent (or whatever). Despite that, he still seemed incredibly pompous, even though his ability to control anyone who gets near him reminded me a lot of something else. After the second episode, though, I was quite intrigued; I thought the narrative could be very interesting because someone accidentally almost destroys the whole world and subsequently gets to lead a movement to control it, and that sounds quite interesting. I do not know why that reminds me of something else. However, in the following episodes, my interest gradually waned again. The whole thing became very rushed, the plot twists felt increasingly strange, and the moments that should have shocked me did nothing to move me at all. Either there is something wrong with me, or the style in which the narrative unravels and the surprises the anime's creators present us with does not work. The initial excitement of following another political-action storyline with Code Geass-style attempts to take over the world disappears after a while like the “baby” in Iyo's pregnant belly, and the censored fan service in episode five took away from the beauty of it because this is just evil! I am not sure why they have fan service if they have to cover it up for TV in such a stupid way. Oh well, at least a few people will have a reason to buy the DVD. I just shook my head in disbelief as the conclusion tried but failed to be shocking, emotional, and epic. The last episode seemed stupid, ridiculous, over-the-top, and weird. It killed any positive impression of the anime series that I previously had. So, in the end, Big Order is an anime series based on a pretty good idea; however, the execution is completely stupid and rushed. It is obvious that the premise is from the same guy who created Future Diary because it is similarly cheesy, and some of the characters are just as insane. Unfortunately, I could not develop any intense relationship with the characters. That meant that I was not extremely impressed with their fates. The way they handled the relationship between Eiji and Sena was rather outrageous (I guess I am getting older and more of a puritan, however, a thirteen-year-old girl calling someone "onii-chan" and being a love interest does not feel right). In the end, I thought Big Order did not work, even though the potential was there. Also, after the overblown ending, which I thought was terrible, I cannot take this anime series seriously. 3/10.


Sabagebu! Survival Game Club! (2014) (series) 

English I thought this show was incredibly fun with a bunch of really hilarious and completely crazy girls playing "survival games." Everything is so awesome, ridiculous, and over-the-top. I had a great time. This show is a combination of cute and funny just the way I like it. There are a lot of hilarious allusions to other different movies and personalities (like the Matrix-style pillar fight, the Predator-style jungle fight, Alien, Ben Kenobi, Michael Jackson, and of course, Chuck Norris), and so you get a hilarious show. The best character is Momoka, a girl who declares it a draw and then coldly shoots you in the head. That is something I would never expect. However, the other girls are great too, whether the crazy masochist, the reticent cosplay fan, the model who usually "dies" first, or the enthusiastic lady president. I even quite liked the platypus. I enjoyed the animation and soundtrack, and I even liked the opening and ending, which does not happen all that often. In my opinion, this show is excellent. 9/10.