
  • USA Tanganyika (working title)


John Wayne stars as Sean Mercer, a tough trapper who travels the world to capture animals and sell them to zoos. As he and his ragtag crew roam the plains of Africa searching for giraffes and zebras, they encounter Anna Maria "Dallas" D'Allesandro (Elsa Martinelli), a beautiful photographer who asks to travel with them. While the crew presses on, the excitement of the chase inevitably causes feelings of attraction to grow between gruff Mercer and pretty Dallas. (official distributor synopsis)


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English Captivating work with animals that you don't see every day. Yes, it's about hunting animals, but if nothing else, it's about hunting for zoos. The way real animals sometimes behave here is unbelievable. I guess I'll also tame my cheetah. John Wayne plays the role of a classic tough guy who must be won over by a woman. Well, it doesn't take her long. Despite the romance spanning the entire two-and-a-half hours, many shots of the African wilderness are worth seeing. ()

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