King of Thrones

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USA, 2013, 45 min


The average American spends as much time in the bathroom each year as they do on vacation - 14 days! So why not make the washroom a welcoming oasis where one can get away from it all while taking care of "business?" Destination America's KING OF THRONES is transforming boring, old and downright disgusting bathrooms into over-the-top prized potties and more. From a portable latrine that can keep an angler's "seat" warm while ice fishing, to a tech-lovers high-class fortress of solitude, the new home improvement series builds porcelain thrones fit for a king. 
KING OF THRONES follows Hoxie Homes and Remodeling, a northern Minnesota-based crew of contractors, carpenters and designers who've built a "crap-load" of high-end bathrooms featuring giant flat-screen TVs, heated toilets, body dryers and even shower jets for a dog. Led by Jeff Hoxie and his partner Dave Koob, the team will stop at nothing to meet their clients' imaginative needs. In the series premiere episode, the team is tasked with building a portable, fully heated outhouse that can be used while ice fishing, complete with running water and a custom painted mural. With only a week and a half to finish the job, the pressure is on to not only design, build and deliver the project, but to somehow get it out of the shop's doors. (Discovery Channel)
