
The tragic story of the second wife of England’s Henry VIII is given a first-class treatment by Lubitsch, complete with opulent sets and some beautifully-shot exterior sequences. Henny Porten (Kohlhiesel’s Daughter, Backstairs) gives a memorable performance as Boleyn, but the film really belongs to Emil Jannings (The Last Laugh, The Blue Angel), one of Germany’s greatest screen stars, playing Henry. Jannings’s bravura performance conveys Henry’s decadence through his insatiable appetite for both food and women, but never reduces him to caricature or pure villain. (official distributor synopsis)


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English Lubitsch's Deception is a riveting melodrama, a historical fresco, and an acting concert by Henny Porten and Emil Jannings. All of it is wrapped up in lavish sets, perfect costumes and ingenious psychological games. For a long time I resisted numerous reruns, but now I won't have the slightest inhibitions in watching it. ()

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