Omar Doom

Omar Doom

Born 06/29/1976 (47 years old)
Easton, Pennsylvania, USA


Raised in Easton, PA, Omar Doom moved to New York City at the age of seventeen. He studied Fine Arts, majoring in painting, at Parsons in both New York and Paris. He then relocated to Los Angeles and used his talents to do artwork for a clothing line he and his sister Saira created, all the while writing music. Five years later, Doom left the company to pursue music and acting professionally. He returned to New York where he met legendary DJ/music producer Stretch Armstrong. They formed the band Doomington, in 2004 and released a string of singles. Their song “Lovin' The Fix” was featured on the critically acclaimed “The Sound Of Young New York” series.

Doom’s first major acting role was in Tarantino’s DEATH PROOF.

Visiona Romantica
