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NecrotongueJackie Brown(1997) 

It's a bit horrifying that it took me this long to share my thoughts on this almost quarter-century-old movie (a classic, actually). So, I treated myself to a rewatch today, and I'm even more convinced that I genuinely… (more)

3DD!3Jackie Brown(1997) 

An impressive un-Tarantino-like Tarantino movie. Exceptional acting performances (Samuel L. Jackson was even cooler than he is normally ;) and a talent for storytelling make Jackie an excellent watch. Perhaps not… (more)

NinadeLJackie Brown(1997) 

Jackie Brown is one of the more sophisticated Tarantino films, and that's also why it's always been less popular. But personally, I'm glad Pam Grier made her comeback. Later, in The L Word, she capitalized on that fame. (more)