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POMOWar for the Planet of the Apes(2017) 

Don’t expect any real “war” – that takes about four minutes. The film is a slow, sensitively narrated “wandering” drama focusing on diverse characters and their emotional interactions, of course in perfectly designed… (more)

MalarkeyMillion Dollar Arm(2014) 

A classic family story from the world of Walt Disney. I remember when these family Disney movies were coming out in leaps and bounds. Many times, it didn’t really even have that much quality, but I often left the cinema… (more)

kaylinWar for the Planet of the Apes(2017) 

This is an excellent ending to the trilogy, which does have a little too much Christian symbolism, but it can be ignored because you'll be rooting for the monkeys anyway. Humans deserve their fate, not only because of… (more)