Sabahattin Eyuboğlu

Sabahattin Eyuboğlu

Born 1908
Akçaabat, Ottoman Empire

Died 01/13/1973
İstanbul, Istanbul, Marmara Region, Turkey


Writer and translator. He is the elder brother of Bedri Rahmi Eyuboğlu. After attending the Trabzon High School (1928), he took place in the first group of students to be sent abroad by Atatürk, and he completed his undergraduate and graduate studies in Dijon, Lyon and Paris Universities in France (1928-32). After returning home, he worked as an associate professor at İstanbul University, Faculty of Literature (1933-39), as an inspector of education in Ankara, as a member of Board of Education, as the vice-president of the Translators Office and finally, as a teacher of history at Hasanoğlan Village Institute (1939-47). He was charged by Hasan Âli, the Minister Education of that era, for the duty of instruction at the Village Institutes, in order to educate young people. He introduced Greek classics to institute students; led drama plays and organized folk music nights.

On his return from his second visit to France (1948), he lectured on comparative Turkish – France literature at İstanbul University, Faculty of Literature (1950-60) and on history of arts at the Technical University and at the School of Applied Fine Arts (1951-59). In 1960 he was dismissed from school by taking place among those tried with the Article 147 of the Turkish Penal Code. He continued giving lectures at the Technical University, when he returned. He was arrested in 1963 because of his Devrim Yazıları/ Babeuf (Essays on Revolution / Babeuf) with Vedat Günyol. He was acquitted three years later. After the military coup on 12 March 1971, he was arrested once again along with Vedat Günyol and Azra Erhat by the martial law and was tried according to the Article 142 and was acquitted.

His essays, critics and studies were published in the newspaper and magazines Hakimiyet-i Milliye, Tan, Kültür Haftası, İnsan and Varlık after 1931. After 1946, his works were published in the newspaper and magazines Yaprak, İmece, Tanin and Yeni Ufuklar. He managed to attract attention of the intellectual section of the society with his essays supporting a national understanding of culture in a synthesis of the entire old Anatolian civilizations, including the Greek antiquity. He produced documentary films with Mazhar Şevket İpşiroğlu, Macit Gökberk and Aziz Elbek about the ancient Anatolian civilizations. He shared the Turkish Language Association Award with M. Ali Cimcoz with his translation of Devlet (State) of Plato. He received the Ataç Award in 1960 with his essay book Mavi ve Kara (Blue and Black).

Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism

