Gisela Corsello

Gisela Corsello


Actress and audiovisual producer. She trained as an actress with Cristina Banegas, Alejandro Catalán and Ricardo Bartís, among others. She made the short films El corral (2014), for which she received the award for best national short film at the LIBERCINE 2015 festival in Argentina, Ema (2015) and Los fuegos artificiales wich received the CINEAR award at the Festival La mujer y el cine in Argentina. She co-directed the web series Harta, winner of the ENACOM micro productions contest in 2016. She was assistant director of the short films of Victoria Mammoliti El paso, winner of Short Stories of INCAA, and No es nada. Winner of the FNA scholarship.

Festival Internacional de Cine de Huesca


