
In yours,, a group of artists reflect on both the relationship between different artistic practices and the balance between individual and collective works, as they come together to create one joint work dedicated to Chantal Akerman. Throughout its five short films, yours, interacts with different facets of Akerman's extensive body of work as it revisits many themes elemental to her films: from alienation to a variety of mother-daughter relationships and reflections on the mourning of loved ones. Akerman's career is reflected geographically as well. Taking News from Home (1976) as a starting point, we travel from the subways in Brussels through the interior of domestic spaces, the details of handwritten notes, to the Negev desert where Akerman shot parts of her final film No Home Movie (2015), until, finally, we cross an ocean in an attempt to return. Ultimately, yours, functions both as a cinematic dialogue and as love letter to someone no longer here. Shot partly on 16mm, the result is a heartfelt homage in five parts that shimmers with compassion and tenderness. (International Film Festival Rotterdam)
