
A girl is innocently and exuberantly dancing in the surf, while a voiceover speaks about the evolution of humanity. Camino al Andar, by the originally Iranian Sholeh Hejazi, is a philosophical and poetic document about true comprehension. What does war mean, what is poverty, what is globalisation? A number of experts, including a philosopher, a writer and various scientists, present their views on how the human race evolves and changes. While behind them images of dancers, waves and walking people file past, they explain how the world works. From newborn babies to elderly people, everyone is constantly bombarded with new impressions. These determine the course of history, because we as people place our interpretations on all these experiences. So the conclusion is that the future is not written of itself, but that mankind determines its own future. Or as one poet put it: the road does not exist if there are no walkers. (International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam)
