
With its arid soil and inhospitable landscape, Priorat has always been one of the poorest regions in Catalonia. Little surprise then that, in the late 1970s, no one gave any credence to plans by a group of visionary hippies to revitalize the region's wine-making industry, which had flourished during the 17th century. But they did it: Priorat is now one of the most important wine regions in the world. Viticulturists, enthusiasts and the wine producers themselves – these days known as "The Magnificent Five" – all tell the exceptional story of the origins of Priorat wine. There were the difficult early years when the banks didn't dare lend the five any money, followed by rapid success when the world's leading wine journalist decided to embrace their product, putting the wine world at their feet. "You can make a great wine. You can have the best marketing," one of the winegrowers says, "but the best wine is one with a story to tell." (International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam)
