
USA, 2016, 7 min

Directed by:

Mike Olbinski


Blood. Sweat. Tears. Joy. That's what the spring of 2016 was for me. The miles, the grind, the failing, the epic days missed, the lack of sleep, the jubilation, the friendships strengthened, and the time away from my family. And when the chasing was all done...wondering, was worth it all?Heck yeah it was.I had three goals this spring: Get a tornado on time-lapse, capture the best footage I possibly could, and chase as much as my schedule would allow. That ended up totalling 18 chase days. 20,000 miles driven. Almost 60,000 time-lapse frames shot. Nine total states. Hours and hours and hours of editing. All between April 15th and June 15th.This is the result of that journey. Did I get the tornado? You can see for yourself! (Sedona International Film Festival)
