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Reviews (975)


A Character in Need of Support (1963) 

English With depressing effectiveness, Juráček succeeded in capturing the quiet absurdity of the labyrinth of  bureaucracy. Behind its human face lies the apathy of zero comprehension and the feeling of unease stemming from the ever-present fear that the senselessness of the whole system will be revealed. Nevertheless, the cat-rental shop sounds like a great business model (that is, if we forget about the nature of cats).


Roboforce (1988) 

English Tsui Hark’s work as a director and producer, at least from the key period of Hong Kong’s colonial era,  stands on a foundation comprising a mix of formulas and revisionist revival of traditional Chinese genres and their intermingling with western influences. At the same time, his work is characterised by creative tinkering (in terms of craft and form, as well as purely implementational and childish) and emancipatory tendencies, when Tsui simply wanted to bring his own versions of western trends and genre milestones to cinema in his homeland. In the same year when the Tsui-produced Gunmen, a variation on De Palma’s post-modern gangster movie The Untouchables, was released to cinemas, his quite possibly most eclectic work, whose mishmash of styles and genres may be equalled only by his fantastic debut, The Butterfly Killers, also excelled on local screens. I Love Maria, also known as Roboforce, is an absolutely incongruous extravaganza in which special effects play the lead role over any sort of screenwriting logic or causal structure in the context of the otherwise very vague narrative standards of the Hong Kong mainstream. Everything here is subordinate to the ambition to let viewers constantly marvel at something while concurrently entertaining them. This refers not only to the special effects, but also to how the film’s sequences are interconnected (or disconnected), how strikingly effectively the characters move from one place to another, and how their relationships and plot twists are revealed completely randomly. And there truly is something to marvel at – at least for those with a properly open mind – because Tsui combines his adoration for Fritz Lang’s sci-fi classic Metropolis and Japanese tokusatsu films with the tradition of Chinese wu-xia stories and modern popular comedies, while not shying away from adding in particular inspirations from contemporary Hollywood blockbusters (from the dynamics of Back to the Future and the technological excesses of The Delta Force to the tumult of the Aliens soundtrack). With undisguised enthusiasm for the project as a producer, Tsui gets carried away with his vision of a futuristic world in which robots become new variants of superhuman wu-xia warriors flying through the air and deflecting bullets instead of punches. Tsui’s team enthusiastically embraces the production limitations and turns them into strengths in the interest of a delightfully naïve and purposefully inventive rendering. The futuristic metropolis thus helps to evoke a combination of rather anonymous locations and industrial settings shrouded in a blanket of artificial fog. The spectacular visual impression of the sci-fi technologies is similarly aided by smoke, steam and darkness together with fragmented shooting and comic-bookishly skewed camera angles. Unlike the contemporary film’s by Steven Spielberg (to whom Tsui was often compared in an effort to give western viewers an idea of his influence and creative ambitions), I Love Maria does not strive for sophistication and believability, which would have legitimised its fantastical nature in the eyes of adult viewers. Rather, it dispenses with clever tricks that would blur the line between fiction and fantasy, and conversely revels in the papier mâché extravagance with childlike joy. The essence of this is the giant robot, which renders the rockets launched at it harmless by opening a small door in itself to a miniature furnace, where it lets the rockets explode and then expels the resulting scrap metal from its backside like droppings. The verbal and slapstick tomfoolery is in a similar vein and is present only in the original Hong Kong version, because it was a bit too much for foreign markets. On the other hand, the film’s revenues indicate that this phantasmagorical sci-fi extravaganza did not entirely connect with the domestic audience. However, that doesn’t change the fact that I Love Maria is one of the most amazing, most original and most entertaining entries in Tsui Hark’s filmography.


Big Bad Sis (1976) 

English Like other trash flicks about strong women from the period, whether from the Far East or the US, this contribution to the genre from the Hong Kong movie factory Shaw Brothers straddles the line between progressive emancipation and objectifying exploitation. Nevertheless, Big Bad Sis is appealing as an attempt to create an absolutely feminine alternative to the dominant macho stories about honourable gangsters, and not just by making a differently cast variation on such films. However, it is necessary to add that this feminine element sprang from the minds of men in the positions of director, screenwriter and producer. Though the film is related to B-movies about youthful delinquents and paraphrases mafia origin stories, everything is tied together in the context of a feminine melodrama. The title protagonist thus does not build a criminal empire, but rather a commune with the aim of helping other girls from the factory where she works through fundraisers for mutual financial assistance and by beating the hell out of their philandering partners and their abusive step-fathers. In and of itself, this is a tremendously fresh antithesis of the usual macho power structures built on patriarchal formulas. The film takes a similarly unexpected and even subservice approach to the nude scenes, a mandatory element of the genre that it stages with blatant absurdity – from the nonsensical rendezvous of the nude participants on bicycles in the forest to the grandiosely drawn-out and overwrought bedroom scene shot through a glass bed, evoking the formalistic sets in the films of Seijun Suzuki. On the other hand, the filmmakers were evidently afraid to be too progressive and thus regularly diminished the virtues of their work by boorishly ridiculing the supporting female characters, particularly with their girly way of fighting, as well as with outrageous adherence to the basic tenets of the status quo (so the protagonist would rather suffer for compassionately letting her father win at a mafia-run casino, where he came to squander the family’s and the company’s savings, instead of slapping him for being an irresponsible idiot). The film similarly relies on cameos by male stars rather than letting the heroines carry the film themselves. It’s thus not at all surprising that everything ends with a regulation formulaic ending in accordance with the rules of the time that called for any offenses against the law to be punished, so the female protagonist remains dependent on help from her male protectors. However, it is thus all the more pleasantly surprising that she is given the satisfaction of eliminating the main bad guy, which is a privilege that is often denied to many other strong female characters in genre movies. Big Bad Sis, which is rather an overlooked title in the filmography of the Shaw Brothers studio, is thus surprising as an unexpectedly stimulating, entertaining and progressive work. It can definitely be seen as one of the key antecedents of the ’80s wave of girls-with-guns movies and the elements and principles thereof. Furthermore, it boasts an impressive action-packed climax in a sand quarry, whose dynamism and drama are enhanced by excellent choreography and imaginative use of the setting for various action passages ranging from chases to fights, as well as interspersing the action with several deadlines and motivations of the characters.


White Plastic Sky (2023) 

English The essence of science fiction is to give its audience food for thought through visions reflecting the phenomena of the existing society and world reimagined in their possible future form. Most cinematic contributions to the genre rather disregard that essence in favour of superficially stimulating attractions, particularly action sequences, dramatic twists, star actors and extravagant special effects. Though the use of animation would lend itself to that approach, White Plastic Sky does not rely on bombastic scenes, but rather on giving the audience impetuses to think. Nevertheless, as a sombre and melancholic mood piece, it avoids literal statements and concentrates on deploying as many of those small impetuses as possible, which the viewer either catches or not. After all, the journey across a futuristic Hungary after a global environmental catastrophe is conceived as a sequence of reasons to stop and present other perspectives on the central themes comprising the definition of humanity, clinging to life and the difficulty of accepting a perspective other than the existentially self-centred one.


Beast of the Yellow Night (1971) 

English A werewolf curiosity clumsily straddling the line between low-budget trash and serious horror drama, the result of which is that this attempt at a gothic movie set in the Philippines will satisfy neither aficionados of serious horror films nor fans of trash flicks. Though it offers a handful of bonuses for the latter – mainly in the form of the indefatigable journeyman actor Vic Diaz in the role of Satan tempting the protagonist in countless outfits. Nevertheless, such enticements only futilely breathe tremors into the lifeless corpse that is this film, in which there is very little that is scary or funny, and only a desperate attempt to weave an existential drama with Faustian ambitions out of C-movie material.


Lycan Colony (2006) 

English Lycan Colony is the ultimate movie miscarriage. Such superlatives, uttered particularly in relation to the broad field of the sewer of world cinema, automatically seem rather dubious. In spite of that, however, I won’t deny myself the right to use them here, especially with the passage of many weeks during which I cleared my head cluttered with the non-stop WTF astonishment from watching this piece of work. The maestro of untrained amateurism Rob Roy mercilessly grinds down viewers with something approaching the absolute bottom of the abyss of incompetence, as well as with the heights of delirious progressivity that proudly treads uncharted territory (where no reasonable person would dare step foot). This leads to the paranoid assumption that Lycan Colony must be a calculated product, because the number of violations of the rules of filmmaking here give the impression that the film is a comprehensive encyclopaedia of how not to make a film. However, every sequence radiates genuine artlessness and sincere naïveté that the calculating mockbusters of The Asylum, for example, can’t even dream of. Of course, what we have here in the masterful auteur who stands before us is not an obstinate Sisyphean genius at the level of Herzog’s Fitzgerald, but merely a fake diamond in the rough in the form of an ordinary small-town fantasist. But what’s even more likable is the deluge of woodenly “acting” neighbours and relatives (and their household pets), crudely framed “compositions”, drastically overexposed shots (many of them shot in broad daylight and subsequently converted into night scenes with a filter, though the shadows remain), idiotically utilised simple CGI effects from the menu of basic editing software, sound effects applied in an endless loop and images clumsily deformed in every possible way. And that’s not to mention the disjointed narrative in which Native American mythology is combined with werewolf lore and where generally functional scenes like those from a family sitcom alternate with crazy twists and fantastical elements. It’s hard to find more convincing proof that in some respects AI will never replace human creativity. At the same time, however, Lycan Colony can also be seen as a portent of a phantasmagorically contorted future of cinema, as Harmony Korine is currently proclaiming in relation to his similarly digitally irrational audio-visual flatulence Aggro Dr1ft. THIS IS CINEMA or Rob Roy is the real killer of the flower moon (that is, if Killers of the Flower Moon had been run through a colour filter in the wrong aspect ratio on a green screen).


The Lady Is the Boss (1983) 

English The grandmaster of martial arts movies, Lau Kar-Leung, tried to push back against his own sense of obsolescence in the rapidly changing environment of Hong Kong cinema at the beginning of the 1980s, when it was taking on a modernist hue. Though Lau had made two grandiose masterpieces of the genre – The 36th Chamber of Shaolin and Dirty Ho – in the late 1970s, young viewers had lost interest in his style of traditionally conceived costume stories that thematise the diligence and effort required to eventually master the martial arts. His projects significantly lagged behind their contemporary competition, which in some cases could boast box-office receipts up to ten times greater than those of Lau’s films.  The Lady Is the Boss comes across as a commissioned work motivated by pressure from the management of his home studio, Shaw Brothers, to try something set in the present and containing trends that were fashionable at the time. The result is a work that expressively demonstrates Lau’s effort to somehow contend with the innovations while also saving face. So, here we have a story about a traditional martial arts school that the founder’s daughter, played by Kara Hui, comes to visit from America. She trains in an aerobics outfit and ignores other traditions, distracting the hitherto well-disciplined students and, mainly, disrespecting the wisdom and experience of the previous master, portrayed by Lau himself. Together with this, there are lines literally expressing the need to bring martial arts to today’s youth and present them in the context of young people’s interests and fashion trends.  Though this may be reminiscent of the ethos of The 36th Chamber of Shaolin involving the need to bring martial arts out of closed schools and monasteries and to the common people, there is a certain bitterness in the rendering here, which is quite possibly due to Lau’s dealings with the studio heads. The film certainly cannot be denied its effort at imaginative choreography in the fight scenes with dance choreography at a discotheque or with BMX bikes on a construction site. However, these also seem forced. In fact, viewers will better remember the more imaginative passage from the nightclub with cameras than these passages highlighted in the promotional materials. Furthermore, Lau cannot refrain from self-gratification, so the whole film culminates with a display of traditional styles and, mainly, Lau himself, as the privileged heroine gets taught a lesson and has to dutifully bow down to the older master and his skills. After this bit of chasing fads, Lau was more than happy to return to costume productions, which, however, definitively faded away with the collapse of Shaw Brothers two years later. Only the absence of his faithful employer forced Lau to again make films set in the hated present (e.g. the diptych Tiger on the Beat and Aces Go Places V, both of which were excellent, though stylistically atypical in the context of contemporary trends). But after the success of those later films, he gladly returned to romanticised costume projects recalling the good old days. Despite its considerable potential, The Lady Is the Boss,  remains a peculiar anomaly and an apparently unwanted child in Lau’s otherwise fantastic creative career. Yuen Wo-Ping’s Mismatched Couples from the same period is rather better at showing how to creatively combine kung-fu choreography and the fashion trends of the 1980s in a tremendously entertaining way.


Velvet Goldmine (1998) 

English Velvet Goldmine is the Citizen Kane of glam rock, which also makes it fundamentally different from that canonical masterpiece. Orson Welles forced us to be moved by the revelation that the wealthy magnate had a heart and a yearning for lost innocence. His film revolves entirely around the title character, whereas all of the other supporting characters serve only as vehicles to add more layers to the portrait of the protagonist (which also includes the fact that the reporter remains completely anonymous, as he has no relationship to Kane at all). Using a similar narrative structure comprising flashbacks motivated by journalistic appearances and framed by echoes of a crucial moment (though not necessarily identical in time and place, but definitely in meaning), Todd Haynes tells a much more intoxicating, fantastical, sweeping and, mainly, deeper and more personal story. Fittingly for its use of David Bowie and his Ziggy Stardust persona as the model for the film, Velvet Goldmine tells the story of everyone else and the star’s influence on his era, his surroundings and, primarily, the particular people who loved him and discovered themselves through him. It turned out in the end that Bowie’s refusal to license his songs and the Ziggy persona for the production was the best thing that could have happened for Haynes. Instead of a biographical film constrained by the approval of outside authorities, he could take absolute creative licence and project onto the screen not a specific personality, but an impression of it. The focus thus shifts from biographical information and a carefully guarded image to meanings, moods, emotions and perceptions. The resulting impressive collage is then conveyed not only through the words of the characters, but primarily through their bodies and costumes, as well as by the sets, which become supremely expressive and tremendously captivating means of enchanting the audience. And when that is further combined with the music, whether as background, concert performance or music video, the result is ecstasy (especially in the case of “Ballad of Maxwell Demon”, though that is far from being the only case). Haynes created the perfect cinematic fantasy of a musical decade (but with echoes of the two decades on either side of it) and its key stars, as well as of the music industry, society and queerness, or rather the imitation and performative presentation of queerness. At the same time, the film also tells a magnificent story of the search for oneself, which is difficult in any era, though at that time it was somewhat more obvious thanks to the alien and thus easier to find kindred spirits. Besides these major and minor stories, Velvet Goldmine also remains a spectacular ode to a single night, when it rains glitter and which is the culmination of everything around it. In its own way, Haynes’s delightfully captivating and beautifully intimate masterpiece ultimately becomes the equivalent of an old Oscar Wilde brooch – an impression of something great and personal, a kindred touch and a gift that unites all who pass it on.


Troy (2004) 

English Troy is notable primarily as a case study on how Hollywood adapts a classic work with countless characters, motifs and both supernatural and earthbound elements into the form of a spectacular mainstream popcorn epic needing fewer characters, a few cleanly resolved storylines and, mainly, the omission of everything that could be off-putting for the supposed majority of viewers, i.e. everything from deities to non-heterosexual relationships.


Charlie's Angels (2000) 

English Charlie’s Angels is deliberate fluff, a self-reflexively exaggerated jiggle flick with playfully objectified superficiality. Or it’s simply boisterous entertainment that takes the basic strengths of the 1970s series on which it’s based (the concept, exaggeration, outfits, insipid missions, espionage and a bunch of familiar faces) and spins them into an unbridled, exuberantly wild ride at the peak of the MTV era, where excess, absurdity and hyper-stylisation keep the pedal to the metal while logic, causality and realism are bound and gagged in the trunk. “Never send a man to do a woman’s job.”