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Reviews (3,909)


Pancho's Wedding (1946) 

English A charming parody with a whiff of novella adventures. It would have been interesting to see which direction Hrušínský would have taken as a director, but we didn’t get to. But both of his projects are among the more interesting from the end of the war. The whole project ideally revolves around the relationships between Pedro and Rosita, or Pancho, Manuel, and others. The adjective "getting married" refers, among other things, to a popular motif from comedies of all kinds. If I ignore the bland performance of Vlasta Matulová in the lead role, I am satisfied with the gags, partial scenes, and the overall tone. The connection between the world read from an adventure book and the classic Czech smallness was excellent. Special praise must be given as usual to Ela Šárková as the most seductive being on the wide plains of Mexico.


No Doubt: Rock Steady Live (2003) (concert) 

English With a trio of successful albums to their credit, No Doubt was at the peak of a breakthrough decade. The band members were now consummate professionals who had not yet lost their zest and energy and were in fact still drawing inspiration from the crowds of their admirers. At such a moment, it was impossible to create a show that wouldn't give you chills. The dark parts with the tough Gwen turn into an absolute orgy of the senses and hype enhanced by her playing with the masses. Want to see this goddess do some push-ups? You got it. Do you want to see her hit rock bottom again like she does every time she sings "Don't Speak" to Tony’s face? You'll get that and more. A great concert, and a great show. A must for all No Doubt fans.


No Doubt: Live in the Tragic Kingdom (1997) (concert) 

English The development is fascinating. Today, No Doubt puts on a completely different show. In the 90s the band members were predatory, young, like animals that first stepped out of a cage. They played together for years and their success was a long time coming. The moment it came, they were completely let loose on the world. It's hard to believe that this year marks 20 years since the release of "Tragic Kingdom."


No Doubt: The Videos 1992-2003 (2004) (video compilation) 

English These videos are perfection, and I have been watching them regularly for several years. I've actually been living my life to the No Doubt soundtrack since elementary school, so this collection is a clear must for me. The complete clips cover the first decade of their fame, including a naive prologue that they never actually played anywhere - "Trapped in a Box." But even then, in 1992, it was clear that Gwen set the style and the boys were only there to complement her. In 1995 came a revelation called "Tragic Kingdom" and "Just a Girl Gwen" - a platinum blonde in sportswear with an Indian flair, and the combination worked and totally charmed audiences. The final revelation was the iconic ballad about Gwen and Tony's break-up, "Don't Speak." "You and me / We used to be together / Everyday together always / I really feel / That I'm losing my best friend / I can't believe / This could be the end / It looks as though you're letting go / And if it's real / Well I don't want to know..." It was a ride - Gwen was both Pearl White and an Indian temple dancer all in one. With the new album "Return of Saturn" in 2000 came the era of pink Gwen, who dreamed of "Simple Kind of Life" and together with the Pussycat Dolls showed new, and again breathtaking, tricks. The speed of those years was irreversible and the next album, "Rock Steady", was released the following year in 2001. This time it was Bounty Killer thing and looking back we had to trot along in "Running." That was when it was necessary to pause for the first time. But only for a little while. A decade of solo careers passed like the wave of a magic wand and the "Push and Shove" reunion was upon us, reminding us why we fell in love with No Doubt, no doubt.


Southpaw (2015) 

English Movies about boxing and boxers are only good if they deal with Max Schmeling or Rocky Balboa. This is an example of a film that doesn't work in every possible way. It doesn't appeal, and it doesn't impress. I really only appreciated the final song by Eminem and Gwen Stefani.


Ant-Man (2015) 

English The opening flashback from 1989 was a delight and so were Peg and Pym's acting performances, but the rest of the film was just a targeted rinsing. Unfortunately, only Douglas continued acting and he had no equal partners, so we had to make do with the epic battle with the machine Thomas. But so be it. The MCU continues ever onward.


Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) 

English Given the number of characters and the nature of the plot, there's two hours of action, ten minutes of plot, and ten minutes of credits... plus the final scenes. There wasn't room for a film, although Widow and Hulk aren’t a bad pairing, and with Hawkeye staying at home, it was very promising. The only positives for me are Wanda, Vision, and Peggy's cameo.


Far from the Madding Crowd (2015) 

English The combination of Thomas Hardy (the novels "Jude the Obscure" and "Trishna") and Carey Mulligan (the films Drive and The Great Gatsby) is absolutely magnificent. The novel itself is also something that I'll love to watch in older adaptations and will be melting away for a long time to come.


Coupling (2000) (series) 

English By the time the boundaries shifted with Friends and Sex and the City, Britcoms were going through the same thing, but through their own lens. Coupling is original in that it really only deals with relationships and only in an ironic way. By definition, the main six characters don't have to deal with careers around the age of thirty; all their senses are focused on sex and pairing, nesting, and planning it all. Body language, reading between the lines, and exploring the logic of the opposite sex on the way to the same goal are all important.


Prague Cans (2014) 

English Unfortunately, Vorel or no Vorel, this is just another piece of crap from the family of extremely failed Waking Up Yesterday -style films. The defining factor is once again mainly Mádl, and then one pose next to the other, followed by Kohák sitting in a café. And sadly, this was looking like a second interesting project from the university environment. That’s too bad.