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Reviews (2,987)


Jeremiah Johnson (1972) 

English For my taste, this is too talkative for this type of movie, but when Redford doesn’t happen to be promenading through the wilderness in his stripy red bath robe or if the filmmakers aren’t throwing stuffed wolves at him (in the light of which, even Lugosi’s battle with the octopus looks real), all we are left with is a melancholy trappers (non)western about the impossibility of escaping one’s fate. The nice thing is that Pollack didn’t let himself be tempted by the audience-pleasing, legend-inspiring part of Johnson’s life and so the part about revenge takes up barely the final half hour and the ninety minutes before that focuses purely on his escape from civilization in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in all types of foul weather. And it’s all the better for being so unusual.


Snowpiercer (2013) 

English Czech-Korean-British-French-American collaboration on an unusual sci-fi about a “train that doesn’t stop, never stops, never stops anywhere" where people behave like animals. And it’s obvious who made it. The same as in his other works, this refuses to follow the rules, sometimes making it seem a little gratuitous and exhibitionistic, but most of the time it benefits to movie.


Mammon (2014) (series) 

English A must for lovers of modern Scandinavian design; no other series has such stylish interiors with such attention to detail that it makes the heart rejoice. The series itself however isn’t such a reason for rejoicing (apart from the finale double episode where, amongst other things, they work nicely with the biggest Norwegian historical “skeleton in the closet"), nor for moaning for that matter. The greatest shame is that from the line taken in the opening episode, which is somewhere between State of Play and Larsson’s storyline about editorial staff and work in “Millennium", gradually shifts toward a more common version of the modern Scandi thriller. I repeat, it’s a shame, but it isn’t bad. Why? Because even so, it is sufficiently high quality and suspenseful (and it is probably no coincidence that the last two episodes have a "Nesbø feeling" about them), but it’s just rather ordinary; there’s a surplus of Scandi thrillers, but no quality thriller about journalism in sight. The damp and drizzly atmosphere and the subdued acting performances, and the clever work with genre clichés are pleasant. What isn’t pleasant is what plagues most of these productions: convoluted grafted-on over-elaborateness.


Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) 

English A movie with two different halves. In the first, Marvel departs from its usual, inoffensive colorful safe family content into as yet unexplored waters of the more seriously-inclined comic book movies like those from DC. And believe it or not, this does the Captain unexpected good; the hand-to-hand, nineties style action is exactly what Marvel movies so badly needed. Unfortunately, everything falls apart after the bunker in New Jersey when the movie suddenly turns into a parade of one dumb deus ex machiny after another. Which wouldn’t necessarily have to matter in a standard, painted “ha, ha, ha" Marvel cartoon, but it seems really out of place here. When you add the unnecessarily disproportionate length, the unused potential of certain characters and with regard to all preceding contact action in the form of utterly unsuitable, commonplace CGI, editing-party finale, then... This way, this is certainly a good Marvel movie (and one of the three best so far), but nothing more. And the pleasant first half promised “more" in a style that I have been waiting for from Marvel since the first Iron Man.


Overheard (2009) 

English Despite the somewhat unfortunate final five minutes, this is an achievement that finally brings this directing duo out of the deep shadow of their masterpiece (yes, Internal Affairs). It was about time.


Traffic Department (2012) 

English As soon as this flops over into a type of Hitchcock, it loses its seal of originality. Because it begins to strum on well-known genre strings, but nobody knows for sure how they will sound. Not that it all goes to pot at that moment, but it does become rather more ordinary, while still remaining sufficiently unusual, uncompromising and dirty mirror holding to stop it becoming just another run-of-the-mill genre movie, immediately forgettable as the closing credits come up.


The Keeper of Lost Causes (2013) 

English An unfortunately executed adaptation. It is based on an ironic (and funny) anti-bureaucratic toned, House-style novel by Mørck and a psychological depiction of the investigator and the victim. Contrarily, the standard genre plot is more an essential excuse linking everything together than anything else. But here the two most special assets that make this different from the regular productions of this genre are thoroughly overshadowed and the stress is put purely on the crime storyline; and that is as run-of-the-mill as is possible in this genre.


Enemy (2013) 

English Nothing for xanotphobes, arachnophobes or an audience who would like to see something more than just a regular, run-of-the-mill Lynch movie. And my theory “what’s going on and what are these gigantic, totalitarian spiders and loss of identity"? Villeneuve just wanted to make Jon Peters happy.


Noah (2014) 

English The Tolkeinite inside me is surprised to find where the Hobbits disappeared to when Isengard was flooded. The believer inside me is incensed over disrespect to the Word of our Lord and the unbeliever in me just shakes his head in disbelief over that really current “love Gaia" message... In any case, the movie has its own style and is interesting in the best meaning of the word; however much incongruous and slightly (really) slap-dash. Two thirds is a post apocalyptic vegan version of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers which perilously frequently topples on the brink unintentional ludicrousness, but doesn’t fall over it, thanks mainly to the charisma of Russell Crowe. The last third, however, suddenly becomes a heavy, existential intimate psycho-thriller with classic (although unfaithful to the Book) Old Testament dilemmas. And that is utterly outstanding. It just doesn’t have any connection with the preceding catastrophic epic fantasy.


Southcliffe (2013) (series) 

English I can't shake the feeling that it would have been better suited to the form of a two-hour film rather than a three-hour miniseries divided into four episodes, but it's still highly topical and, in its "it could happen in your neighborhood" realism, disturbingly chilling.