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Reviews (2,986)


Swimming Pool (2003) 

English An atmospheric game played by Ozon with the viewer about his favorite topic - women. But first impressions can be wrong. It might seem that it is all going to be about an ageing writer’s problems with inspiration. But toward the end the movie heads into completely different genre waters. Clear proof that, with a minimum of space and a minimum of actors, a quality screenplay and wonderful camerawork, it’s possible to make a picture that will resound inside you for some time after. And the icing on the cake is the gorgeous (and half naked in most of her scenes) Ludivine Sagnier and a beautiful, ambiguous ending that leaves the interpretation up to you.


Stealth (2005) 

English If this picture is the result that its makers were trying for, then... Then I don’t know, because I’m completely lost for words. No screenplay exists or if one does, they wrote it after they made the picture, because the movie itself has not even an ounce of story. The dialogs are so frightful they have no equal and logic took a long vacation. Despite the relatively decent cast, the acting is absolutely awful. Add to that the unbelievably overlong running time, but this wouldn’t have worked even in a considerably shorter movie. The only to a certain extent functional elements are some of the action scenes when, if you switch off your brain, you can even enjoy yourself - or at least live though them without any lasting damage. Overall this is an embarrassing affair which, despite being frightfully bad, isn’t bad in the right way for you too at least be able to laugh your head off at the expense of the filmmakers. After watching this, in my eyes Rob Cohen has lost the status of a solid B-movie routineer. There is no reason to pay any attention to that man at all.


Taxidermia (2006) 

English Taxidermia is proof that even movie decadence can be beautiful in a rather twisted way. Unfortunately, the makers remained somewhere half way up the path and the result is a hybrid that is neither sufficiently extreme, nor sufficiently movie-like. Apart from the marvelous visuals, the first tale offers nothing and is just hollow filling. The second is actually absolutely outstanding to start of with, but after the excellent “sporty" into follows a less good ending and the whole thing just seems to fizzle out. Although the last tale is the most well-balanced of all, it isn’t enough to save to rather puzzling impression of a missed opportunity. You can’t deny that the makers had fresh ideas, excellent techs and very fine camerawork. All the same, I would expect rather more from such an ambitious project like this that just a movie that is more interesting than actually being of any quality.


The Lives of Others (2006) 

English In recent years German cinema has been making massive efforts and every year it manages to produce one or two really high quality pictures. The Lives of Others is just such a picture, mainly thanks to the topic they deal with. The very first scene when the theory of interrogating “subversives" is cut with a real interrogation is great. It is in these scenes where we learn how the Stasi worked and what methods it used that the picture is at its most powerful. Unfortunately, the makers relatively soon abandon this and continue in the style of a classic drama, not getting back onto the same rails we wanted the whole picture to run on until toward the end. I found the Gerd Wiesler character bewildering. Although Ulrich Mühe does a very good job, somehow I couldn’t understand from the movie why he starts behaving how he behaves from the very beginning of the interrogation and what motives led him to behave that way. Why does an unfeeling interrogation machine turn become a “good person"? From persuasion and realization, for love in just because he has the power? If I hadn’t read the official distributor’s text, I wouldn’t even know (and in my opinion what the distributor claims isn’t in the movie). Despite all of the above shortcomings, this is a picture worth watching. Although a chamber piece, it isn’t boring and it’s very well acted by all concerned. Added to that it has really effective music and camera, which shoots everything with faded and cold tones of color which is really atmospheric. In the end, this is almost a classic bugging thriller set in an interesting environment. But still I can’t help feeling that if the makers had kept the whole movie on the same wave as it was at the beginning, we would be looking at a much better movie altogether. But this way it isn’t at all disappointing, quite the opposite.


The Shawshank Redemption (1994) 

English Salvation lies within. A marvelous, no, perfect adaptation of a story with the same title by Stephen King to the movie screen. A feature movie debut and one of the best movies in history. Everything here is perfect and of the highest possible quality. From unforgettable acting performances (for most involved these are the performances of their lives) through the director, the music, the camerawork... Simply everything without exception, thank you very much. There’s nothing to criticize here - everything is simply exactly as it should be. Ingenious, flawless, unforgettable and an captivating emotional experience. That’s The Shawshank Redemption for you.


Last Action Hero (1993) 

English The Last Action Hero is not funny enough for a comedy and not action-packed enough for an action movie. If this film had any potential, the filmmakers drowned it in an exorbitant running time. There are some good scenes, but far from enough in those more than two hours.


The Big Sleep (1946) 

English A great atmosphere, traditionally fantastic Humphrey Bogart as Philip Marlowe, good tempo and the dialogues are almost unbelievably delicious. On the other hand, it has a needlessly overcomplicated screenplay. The Big Sleep is without a doubt one of the best classic film noir movies, but there are also other better ones. But at least one thing I have to admit: The beginning of the original trailer for The Big Sleep is priceless.


Phone Booth (2002) 

English I’m grateful to Telecom/Télefonica O2 for getting rid of the telephone boxes from my neighborhood. I’m such a dummy that I also might pick up a forlorn call. Just that I’m in no way such a hot shot like Farrell. I’d be a darn piece of cake for “that guy". And for this movie is a piece of cake too because everything works as it should and practically all came out unprecedentedly well. Especially the atmosphere. Something that would be hard to find in a regular Prague phone booth.


Big Cat Diary (1996) (series) 

English The first series is an outstanding documentary with great ideas and lots of absolutely unique shots. Unfortunately, as time goes on, the makers begin to place their narration and exhibitionism over the stories of the animals themselves and the uniqueness gradually wore off and it turned into just another documentary. Still, the first six or so episodes are literally genius and if you have the chance to see them, don’t hesitate.


Christmas with the Kranks (2004) 

English The creators probably liked the look of National Lampoon’s Christmas Adventure with the Griswold family and decided that they wanted to film a Christmas comedy like it. But a movie like that needs Christmas spirit and funny moments - neither of those were evident here. It is only bearable thanks to the reliable Jamie Lee Curtis and Aykroyd, otherwise it’s all terribly boring right from the start, sometimes even annoying.