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Reviews (10,848)


Starcrossed (2014) 

English This is a film where B-movie actors struggle to act. Actually, they're pretty good at it, but the script itself is a tragedy. It's like it's stuffing meaningful lines into the actors' mouths, but they're really empty, just like the plot and its climax. It's too bad that someone didn't work a little more on the script, because the actors would have done quite well with it.


La Tour 2 contrôle infernale (2016) 

English These two idiots weren't funny back in Don't Die Too Hard!, and fifteen years later, nothing has changed about their entertainment skills. Again they are awkward, again they are tragic and above all, they are not funny at all. The story is a tragedy once again, and even though it tries to parody the action genre, you get the feeling that it's a parody of itself.


Black Road (2016) 

English It would almost seem that this sci-fi is trying to say something at the beginning, that it's going to be technological, but in reality, it's just a film where there's talk of some progress, but we don't actually see any real science fiction. These modern sci-fi films that are made as cheaply as possible just don't appeal to me. It seems like an audience trap to me. Especially if the idea isn’t even good.


Flock of Dudes (2016) 

English This is basically a classic teen comedy, except this one is about guys who are well past their teenage years. Of course it's just about finding love, and you're hoping there's some funny scene that will get you laughing. There may be one such scene... but probably not.


Texas Rein (2016) 

English This is an incredibly stale and classic romance where the grown daughter, who already has children, has to go to her father who wants her to help out on the farm, but she doesn't want to. She doesn't have a good relationship with the local cowboy, but in the end, everything turns out for the best and life is beautiful again. In the end, this is an unbelievable bore that has no energy to it.


November Rule (2015) 

English A dumbed-down romance about a jerk who has a great rule for scaring a girl away. He realizes a little too late that he may have chased the right one away, which kind of pisses him off, but it's okay - he's still got his sneakers. He'll break through with those. And to make matters worse, he turns out to be even more of a badass than one would think and gets the girl back. Wow...


Little Miss Perfect (2016) 

English A film about quite an important topic - anorexia. However, the subject is presented in a way that is not very interesting. The acting is pretty good from the child actors, but there was just no emotion in it. The film wants to say that this issue has to be fought against, but I don't know if it will make anyone do it.


Love Finds You in Charm (2015) (TV movie) 

English On the one hand, it's good that the plot of a romantic film also goes among the Amish, but on the other, it's still just a film about a naive girl learning that the world isn't always a pretty place - though it's still alright here - and eventually realizing that the love she had within her grasp but wasn't sure of was the one. Overall, it was very naive.


Evil Dead Trap (1988) 

English The Japanese are badasses and it must be admitted that they are able to present even a very gritty and bloody film in such a way that you are often left at your wit’s end. This has an interesting plot, it's suspenseful, and it's dirty, but it also has a great musical component that doesn't suit the film on first listen. However, it all works well together.


Salinger (2013) 

English This is a good portrait of one of America's most important writers of the last century, one who didn't even write all that much. It is a documentary that explores his work, his life, and his impact on others, but is extremely marred by the acted scenes, which are completely unnecessary and do nothing to enhance what is being conveyed by the contemporary witnesses and others. However, Salinger is definitely an interesting personality. Or, he was.