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Reviews (3,575)


W.I.T.C.H. (2004) (series) Boo!

English I have never before given an animated title a Boo! rating, although such undoubtedly exist... What is repulsive about this is the absence of even the slightest perspective or ideas, the effort to convey any message, or any creativity. It represents the hardest commercialism, the very embodiment of the mass culture industry - not at all innocent entertainment for children but rather akin to kitschy adult soap operas and action series, tailored for a specific age group, colorful and suitably energized. Overall impression 10%. It is indicative that no one bothers to translate the title - considering its connection to an extensive market of merchandise related to the series, this is undesirable and significantly reduces advertising costs on an international scale...


2046 (2004) Boo!

English I have long had a problem with East Asian cinema, and in the case of the film 2046, which was preceded by the reputation of a "megafilm" or at least a big festival film, it is no different. It must be said that the genre definition of sci-fi, or fantasy, is purely confusing in this case, although the opening titles create the impression of a futuristic blockbuster. However, this is not essential for my review. What is important is what the film is actually about. Love? Seriously? Visually, it is certainly an extremely impressive matter, but it is as far from Tarkovsky's spirit, or rather his depth of soul, as I am from being an astronaut. The film is dominated by beautiful women's faces dreamily gazing into the distance or uttering banalities. Beautifully dressed people, meticulous hairstyles, evening makeup, bright red nails, and beautiful piano tones accompanying it all. Slightly decadent characters, a somewhat dreamy atmosphere, and a mysteriously acting game with numbers. It left me with the impression of carefully created kitsch. It is not a cheap, loudly painted plaster gnome, but an ambitious attempt to reach the highest goals in the realm of kitsch. Unfortunately, it is a damn boring attempt... Overall impression: 10% for the female cast.


Chained Heat II (1993) Boo!

English One of the four Lloyd A. Simandl films that appeared on TV in the mid-90s, and it was the very first one. Czech viewers finally had the opportunity to get acquainted with the work of a self-confident and passionate lover and creator of films, for whom the term Czech Ed Wood would be appropriate. The screenplay must have been spawned by a junkie in the midst of withdrawal, the level of dialogue is such that the participating actors must have had uncontrollable fits of laughter during breaks between shooting, and last but not least, the film is evidence of the dire straits of well-known Czech actors, as only hunger and deprivation could compel them to participate in this garbage. As in other Simandl films, the only interesting aspect is the pornographically conceived erotica, but even that cannot redeem the film from getting a Boo! rating. Overall impression: 10%.


Vampirella (1996) Boo!

English Every genre has its bottom, and in the realm of comic book adaptations, Vampirella is that bottom for me. In a review in a sci-fi magazine, it received three and a half stars from a nut job who gave Children of Men one star less, so I expected a bomb to blow up. And indeed it came, because I can't recall a film that I fast-forwarded through half of and still groaned. A feeling of utter disgust and deep depression accompanied me for hours. I recommend avoiding this affair with a wide berth. Overall impression: 0% (too bad I can't go into negative numbers).


Trhala fialky dynamitem (1992) Boo!

English One of the worst films in Czech cinema and an example of naive gold-digging by a private producer. The awkwardness contained in it has an incredible force. Evidence that those in the film industry who, in the distant past, sought nationalization of the film industry under the impression of the limited scope of the Czech market, were right in many respects... Overall impression: zero.


The NeverEnding Story III (1994) Boo!

English An utterly botched film that should be rated as not suitable for children in an effort to cultivate their tastes. It has a terrible script and execution. A complete degeneration of the original idea of the literary "The NeverEnding Story." If Michael Ende, as the author, had serious reservations about the above-average first film, then this impressive mess most likely brought him to his grave, as he died a few months after its premiere. Overall impression: 5%.


Spy Hard (1996) Boo!

English I generally have problems with comedies where Leslie Nielsen is the main entertainer, and I tend to rate them much more conservatively than the mainstream. This is because I prefer subtler, more sophisticated humor. Humor, in general, is problematic. Eliciting emotion or adrenaline can be done the same way for different people or cultures, but laughter doesn't work like that. I managed to last about 40 minutes with this one; I really tried, but I didn't find anything funny. Instead, with each minute, my sense of embarrassment for the creators grew, similar to what a man might feel after disappointing a woman in bed for the fifteenth time in a row. Overall impression: 10%.


The Long Weekend (2005) Boo!

English Everyone has their own taste boundaries, so no one needs to despair if they like this mess. As for me, I can say I had a better time even on the toilet after catching dysentery... This is one of those worse teenage comedies, embodying scriptwriter and acting incompetence. It's especially baffling why the actresses playing the girl protagonists spent all their allowance on clothes and hairstyling instead of paying for at least a week's acting course. Overall impression: 10%.


The Silence of the Hams (1994) Boo!

English I've seen many bad movies, but The Silence of the Hams deserves its own special category. If I could give a negative rating, I would do so without hesitation. The jokes are rehashed a hundred times over, and if any have potential, they are delivered so cheaply that it kills the punchline... I suffered a lot. Overall rating: 0, underlined three times!


The Canary Connection (1993) Boo!

English The most interesting thing - actually, the only interesting thing - is where Ivo Trajkov found the money for such a mess, because any producer who supports something like this clearly demonstrates their incompetence. It's also interesting to ponder where the actors' judgment went, as the cast is above average. It's a waste of time on every level. Overall rating: 0%.