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Reviews (1,718)


Sasaki and Peeps - Season 1 (2024) (season) 

English Sasaki and Peeps follows the story of an overworked forty-year-old man who, one fateful day, purchases a magical bird from a store. Suddenly, he finds himself able to travel between two different worlds, accompanied by a group of underage girls who cling to him for reasons unknown. The last part may be some weird preference of the author, but considering the fact that Sasaki only has eyes for his P-chan, there's no cause for alarm or the need to call the FBI. Initially, the premise of traveling between worlds didn't strike me as particularly interesting. It immediately brought to mind at least two other anime (I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement) that, in my opinion, didn't quite succeed with a similar concept. So, I entered Sasaki and Peeps with cautious skepticism, albeit intrigued by the fact that the main roles were voiced by my favorite voice actors (Tomokazu Sugita and Aoi Yuuki). Thankfully, the extended first episode served as a strong introduction, quickly revealing the series' true essence. What unfolded was an original and captivating blend of themes. The world contains individuals with supernatural abilities, alongside wizards from a fantasy realm and magical girls from a mysterious dimension. These three distinct concepts of working with supernatural forces intersected in intriguing ways, and I was genuinely curious to see how it would all unfold. I wasn't disappointed. The series skillfully portrays how, despite the different techniques involved, the outcomes are often similar. Wizard Sasaki adeptly plays the roles of a talented esper and a "magical man," and everyone, myself included, believes in him. The transitions between worlds, the trading, and the establishment of new connections felt organic and logical. I found myself enjoying the narrative, at least in its early stages. Initially, the series felt fresh, creative, and engaging. However, as it progressed, I began to feel that it was losing momentum. Some parts seemed rushed, especially the storylines in the fantasy world, which felt somewhat incomplete. It's possible that there was excessive cutting from the original source material, leaving certain aspects underdeveloped. In the second half, I occasionally felt that the overarching story direction lacked a more solid foundation. Nevertheless, the final episode, along with the post-credit scene, managed to salvage the overall impression. The inventive confrontation and intriguing final cliffhanger reminded me of why I was drawn to the series in the beginning. Despite some stumbling blocks and the less successful storyline involving saving the merchant Marc, I'm willing to overlook these flaws. I'll give it a weaker 4 stars, landing at around 6.7/10.


The Strongest Tank's Labyrinth Raids (2024) (series) 

English Generic fantasy just about sums up my thoughts on this anime. It had a few elements that caught my attention, like homunculi and mana possession, but then others just seemed like utter nonsense to me such as the dungeon management and the gacha system for monsters. I'll admit, I found some enjoyment in the first and last few episodes, but the middle sections left me feeling indifferent. The main hero had his moments, but he's not exactly a character that'll stick in my memory for long. And the rest of the cast? Well, they were just kind of ordinary and unremarkable. As for the battles, there wasn't much to write home about. I will say I'm thankful that the damage indicator numbers didn't overwhelm the screen constantly, like in some Asian video games. It could have been much worse. Overall, this anime feels like a bland, unimpressive average to me. I doubt I'll remember much about it in a week. 4.9/10


Blue Exorcist - Shimane Illuminati Saga (2024) (season) 

English It's been seven long years since the Okumura brothers and their battle against Satan graced our screens, and I'm pleased to say that this series still holds my interest even after such a long break. This time around, the focus on Izumo, whom I've always favored (definitely more than Shiemi), was a welcome change, and her story managed to tug at my heartstrings. The mysterious Illuminati organization, led by Lucifer, had me intrigued. I found myself wondering about Mephisto's schemes, and the unpredictable Shima kept me entertained. But above all, I was eagerly anticipating the inevitable downfall of one of the most annoying and despicable antagonists in Blue Exorcist - that swine, sorry, Doctor Gedouin, finally getting what he deserves. While Blue Exorcist may not quite measure up to modern shounen anime in terms of its battles, they're still well-animated and engaging. Personally, I'm not disappointed. I appreciate the atmospheric and mysterious tone of the story, which kept me hooked throughout. So, all in all, I quite enjoyed what I saw, and I'm grateful that we won't have to wait as long for another season this time around. 7.2/10


The Apothecary Diaries - Season 1 (2023) (season) 

English Sometimes you wait years for an amazing anime series, and other times you're lucky enough to get two in a single season. Just from the trailers, you can tell The Apothecary is something special - beautiful, dynamic, and incredibly detailed animation that's a feast for the eyes. The colors in this series deserve constant praise, showcasing an impeccable aesthetic sense. And the music? Simply mesmerizing. The first opening is nothing short of perfect; Kevin and the others did an amazing job on the accompanying soundtrack, and not just the beautiful traditional sentimental Chinese motifs woven throughout. But what really stole my heart in this series is one character in particular - Maomao. She's an absolute gem, easily one of the best female characters in anime, period. You can't help but love her - not just for her positive traits, but also for her quirks and odd hobbies. Charming, intelligent (she even knows the answer to Snape's question "Where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar?"), entertaining, sarcastic, and full of energy. The chemistry between Maomao and Jinshi is electric, though it's not quite romance yet (despite Jinshi's hopeful wishes). Their interactions never fail to bring a smile to my face. Aoi Yuuki's voice acting for Maomao is top-notch, reaffirming her status as one of the best Japanese voice actresses out there. She breathes so much life into Maomao that she practically carries the entire series, much like she did with Kumoko the Spider. But it's not just about the main characters and their chemistry. I found myself immersed in all the mysteries, palace intrigues, and the seamless blend of detective story and soap opera elements. I cared about the fates of the supporting characters, cheered for a soldier to earn his dream courtesan, and found myself rooting for characters I initially doubted. The authors did a fantastic job of selling their stories, making me genuinely invested in their outcomes. In short, The Apothecary isn't just a visual masterpiece; it's a captivating story with depth and heart. I'm thrilled to hear they've announced a second season, and you can bet I won't be missing it. 9.9/10.


Tales of Wedding Rings - Season 1 (2024) (season) 

English What happens when a boy (maybe) gets Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings mixed in with a stack of generic manga comics? Well, it might just inspire him to write a fairly average, run-of-the-mill manga where the main quest involves collecting rings and, perhaps some wives as well. But since it's all just ecchi, we will never get to see the wedding night, at least not in the first season. In this story, the main antagonist isn't some dark king, but rather the protagonist's own shyness and a series of cockblocks who always seem to show up at the worst times. It got me thinking about why I was never a huge fan of classic ecchi; the erotica and nudity which never seem to go anywhere feel just pointless to me. At least the series steers clear of excessive bloodshed and there's no censorship in the form of a divine light. The main character isn't a total dork, and even the girls aren't entirely pathetic. While the plot can feel a bit repetitive at times, akin to Ash collecting Pokémon, it didn't completely turn me off. Still, as I reflect on whether I'd dive into a second season at this moment, I'm not entirely sure. For now, I'll settle on a slightly below-average rating of 4.7/10 for the first season.


A Sign of Affection (2024) (series) 

English The best anime about a disabled girl still remains A Silent Voice and the best romance of this anime season is the second season of The Dangers in My Heart, however, Yubisaki to Renren still stands out as a remarkable anime romance with beautiful animation, captivating music, and a truly charming and adorable main heroine. Even the main hero is intriguing and refreshingly unique by the standards of typical Japanese anime, but considering his story, it's actually quite logical. Japanese people in general are very reserved and value their personal space very much. However, Itsuomi is an extrovert who doesn't seem to have much regard for personal space. He'll casually sling an arm around a stranger's shoulder on the street or playfully tousle a girl's hair upon first meeting her. For a Japanese person or even an average introverted viewer like myself, this behavior might come off as borderline creepy. However, it all makes sense when you consider Itsuomi's background. Raised in Germany since childhood, his extremely extroverted nature reflects a different set of cultural norms regarding behavior. This contrast is also evident in how affectionate Itsuomi is. It's a portrayal that seems to reflect the Japanese author's imagination of the average energetic German (or European in general) — a character sometimes depicted as a bit over-the-top and eccentric, even to us. Personally, I found Itsuomi incredibly likable. I appreciate open and honest characters who speak their mind, and I admire his efforts to explore the world and become a part of the heroine's life. The dynamic between the two romantic rivals, and even the societal views on a disabled girl, when one would prefer to keep her closed somewhere safe, while the other would like to show her the beauties of the world, was a fascinating aspect of the show. I only wish it had been further developed. The theme of unrequited love and how the characters navigate it is also well-executed. However, if I were to offer one minor criticism, it would be the lack of drama throughout the series. It almost feels like love and romance are portrayed as a leisurely stroll through a rose garden, viewed through rose-colored glasses in fifty shades of pink. Every rivalry and problem seems easily resolved with a calm, mature conversation or a few tears. It was all a bit too saccharine for my taste. While it did match the heroine's nature and all her blushing, I didn't notice any strong moment that would make me 100% sure that I wouldn't forget about the series. One notable detail that caught my eye from the trailer was the prominently drawn lips on the male characters. I initially thought this might be for better portrayal of lip reading, and while it is used once in the series, much more emphasis is placed on hands and sign language. Despite these critiques, Yubisaki no renren did not disappoint. It was a delightful romantic series deserving of my 8/10 rating. I hold back from a perfect score because I believe it could have delved deeper into certain aspects, which would make it stronger and more compelling. Nonetheless, it was a very enjoyable watch and definitely worth your time.


Undead Unluck (2023) (series) 

English Undead Unluck is an incredibly unique, captivating, and entertaining show. I can't help but appreciate a series with such original superpowers; if you have ever found yourself wondering what X-Men would look like if reimagined by a Japanese creator, this series is largely the answer to that notion. The concept of "using all body parts in combat" took on a whole new meaning here, adding a fresh twist to the action scenes. The characters are incredibly memorable, each intriguingly drawn, and the main duo, in particular, is exceptionally likable. Their chemistry is palpable, making their interactions a joy to watch. The story is ingenious and meticulously crafted with attention to small details. For instance, the subtle hints that something is amiss in this world (like where the stars have gone) are cleverly woven throughout, allowing viewers to piece together the mystery before it's fully explained. What adds to the charm is the series' comic book feel, and its meta aspects towards the end only enhance the intrigue (seriously, who is the narrator?). The animation is solid, complemented by appealing music that sets the tone effectively. For me, it's a solid 4-star rating, just falling short of the highest mark because Undead Unluck didn't quite captivate me as deeply as some other series from the past two anime seasons, which I inevitably compare it to. 8.4/10


Firefighter Daigo: Rescuer in Orange (2023) (series) 

English I have immense respect for rescue workers and I always appreciate any work that pays tribute to them. Take, for instance, the movie The Towering Inferno, a classic tribute to the work of firefighters. This sentiment led me to give this show a chance. Another factor was the narrator, Kenjiro Tsuda, whose voice could soothe me from morning till night. And so, I persevered through many episodes, until the nineteenth, when I reached my breaking point. Firefighter Daigo! Rescuer in Orange has one glaring and fatal flaw. Nearly every episode recycles about 30% of its content through flashbacks. Subtracting the opening and ending, viewers are left with roughly 12 minutes of new story and shots, interspersed with the old material. There's nothing inherently wrong with stretching or fillers if done skillfully, but here it feels like no effort was made. The constant repetition of the same pseudo-dramatic shots, reminding us of previous episodes within the first few minutes, is tiresome. For example, the scene where Daigo dislocates his shoulder to crawl under the rubble is shown about four times throughout the series. As if that wasn't enough, the series includes two recap episodes. Whether the creative team is unable to build atmosphere without constant flashbacks or underestimates the audience's intelligence, I'm not sure. However, this approach kills the pace and the intended atmosphere, eventually becoming comical. It reminded me of the stretched-out fillers in Naruto Shippuden, One Piece, or even the extended battles in Dragon Ball, where at least there was a sense of something new and original. Beyond the flashbacks, what truly turned me off were the characters themselves. They lacked depth and their dramatic motivations made me question if a psychologist would realistically allow them into the rescue corps. The main heroine suffers from survivor syndrome, and the main hero seems to bear chronic responsibility for his father's actions, coupled with a lack of self-preservation. There were instances where their recklessness bordered on absurdity, especially in situations like the flooded basement storyline. Ultimately, the show falls short as a tribute to firefighters for me. I will commend it for its interesting and quality portrayal of firefighter training. However, even with that, after nineteen episodes, Firefighter Daigo! Recap in Orange receives a maximum of 3.5/10 from me.


Pon no Michi (2024) (series) 

English Despite knowing next to nothing about mahjong, I decided to dive into the series, thinking, who knows, maybe I will learn how to play it... Sadly, the series lost me right from the start, especially with the introduction of the yellow bird mascot. Something about it just threw me off, and I had a feeling that if I kept watching Chonbo, it would only distract me from the mahjong focus. Unfortunately, no other character managed to make up for that jarring impression. After some contemplation and weighing all possible game strategies, I had to make the call: it's a drop after the first episode, and left unrated.


The Demon Prince of Momochi House (2024) (series) 

English The biggest issue I have with this series is that, frankly, it falls short compared to gems like Kamisama Kiss or Fruits Basket. While it shares a similar concept of a young girl encountering the supernatural (here, represented by a cast of handsome boys), it just doesn't hit the mark for me. The main heroine felt rather generic and uninteresting, and unfortunately, the same can be said for all the heroes. Why should I invest in the romantic endeavors of characters who fail to captivate me? Adding to this, I couldn't find any deeper mystery or even a small twist in the story that would pique my interest for what comes next. The chemistry between the main couple also fell flat, which is a significant drawback. Animation-wise, it's just average. Now, I don't want to completely write off the series. It's not that anything specific annoyed me; it's more that I didn't find myself truly engaging with any aspect. Perhaps this series isn't primarily aimed at my demographic, even though I can appreciate a good shoujo. Unfortunately, this one didn't meet my expectations. I'm calling it a drop after 3 episodes and a 3.5/10.