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Reviews (1,697)


The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior (2023) (series) 

English I feel like I've seen all the anime centered around villainesses, at least since the days of Bakarina, so I have a lot to compare this to. While I wouldn't consider myself an expert on the subject like Buba is on schrimps, I've definitely seen my fair share. Unfortunately, out of all the villainess-themed series I've watched, this one comes off as the dullest. What's missing for me is a deeper background plot — something to hook me in and make me want to keep watching. The series seems to hammer home one message: "If you don't do bad things, you won't become a villain!" What depth! Who would've thought? Perhaps if there was more focus on the fact that the heroine has limited time before her bad self, the real villainess, takes control again, I might be more invested. As it stands, Ivy's constant talk about destroying the kingdom lacks conviction, especially when the series repeats the same moral lesson over and over. The occasional glimpses into Ivy's role as the real villainess in the game don't add to the overall experience for me. Instead, they detract from it. While Ivy makes for a likable heroine in her own right — intelligent, kind, and patient — making it easy for me to root for her. While some of the supporting characters show gradual development, others like Tiara come across as rather one-dimensional, considering her role as the game's heroine. On a positive note, the music is commendable. The opening theme and accompanying songs are memorable and well-executed. While I can see how some fans might enjoy the series for its atmosphere and the novelty of someone consistently doing good, it didn't quite hit the mark for me. To me, it's just another average anime of the season that I finished without much impact. It didn't leave much of an impression on me, so I'll likely forget about it soon enough. 5/10.


My Happy Marriage - Season 1 (2023) (season) 

English It's a lovely modern Japanese take on Cinderella, where the heroine blossoms into beauty upon meeting her prince. Or is it a shallow tale of a tearful girl bullied by everyone, crying her way through the story only to find bits of courage by the end? It might be a bit of both. If someone had told me halfway through that I would be undecided on the final score until the last episode, I would have laughed. The first half had me hooked; I enjoyed the plot and felt a satisfying resolution by the sixth episode. I anticipated our heroine's growth and hoped to grow fond of her. However, the second half brought hesitation, tears, uncertainty, and misunderstandings, becoming downright mind-numbing. I realized it was steeped in tearful drama and pseudo-conflicts. The main characters started to grate on my nerves, and I found myself less invested in their fates. The story of Miyo's past, which seemed promising initially, paled in comparison to the first half (which may be a generic Cinderella story but it's a heartfelt adaptation). I almost skipped the last episode, but it managed to redeem the series for me. Miyo finally found herself, faced her challenges, and despite the overwhelming tears, some moments resonated. One indisputable strength is the gorgeous animation, adding points to the series. The chosen music and the period setting were also highlights, along with the incorporation of supernatural elements. It's a weak 4 stars after the first season, or rather a 6.8/10.


Bungo Stray Dogs - Season 5 (2023) (season) 

English For me, this was definitely the most entertaining and action-packed part of the series, building on the momentum from the previous seasons. There's never a dull moment here; the plot keeps you on the edge with big and sometimes downright crazy twists in practically every episode. Even though the members of the Detective Agency seem to have an almost unbelievable plot armor, there are still moments where you genuinely fear for their safety. The story reaches a climax at the end of the tenth episode, where the desperation is almost palpable. I was thoroughly engaged throughout, especially during the intense "escape game" between Dazai and Fyodor, which was brilliantly done. The motivations of the main villains were intriguing, even if what one of them did felt reminiscent of Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. Simply put, I have no complaints. I eagerly looked forward to each new episode, and several twists caught me completely off guard (some so much that I wondered if the creators were pushing the limits). As a fan of unpredictability, when an action series refuses to let me catch my breath and maintains its style and cool factor, I have to give credit where it's due. That's why the fifth season earns a solid 5 stars from me. Even my apprehension about what might come next after the resolution of the drama was perfectly soothed by the final scene. I'm eagerly anticipating the sixth season. 8.8/10


Reborn as a Vending Machine, Now I Wander the Dungeon - Season 1 (2023) (season) 

English When I first heard about the series featuring a guy reincarnating as a vending machine, I couldn't help but find the idea utterly ridiculous. Yet, it piqued my curiosity, compelling me to give it a watch. I was prepared to chuckle at its absurdity and write about how silly it was, but... To my surprise, the series turned out to be relatively normal, and at times, even a bit mundane. What intrigued me the most wasn't the original concept itself, but rather the inventive ways the show explored all the things vending machines are used for in Japan. I found it amusing to see how the authors stretched the boundaries of what qualifies as a vending machine. I must give credit to the series for its creative approach in handling the protagonist's transformations into various vending machines to tackle different problems. It was surprisingly logical at times, adding a layer of believability to the otherwise fantastical premise. Moreover, the characters are quite likable, including our vending machine protagonist. The overall atmosphere is pleasant, and the world-building offers some intriguing elements here and there. While I'm not opposed to watching the second season, I can't say the first one fully captivated me. It was enjoyable enough, but it didn't have me eagerly anticipating each episode. I'll give it a slightly above-average rating of 6/10.


Malevolent Spirits: Mononogatari - Season 2 (2023) (season) 

English I found the second season to be slightly more engaging and enjoyable compared to the first. I appreciate the direction the protagonist is taking and the development of his character. The central romantic storyline no longer feels forced, and I'm beginning to root for the heroes. However, the fights are still somewhat bland by anime standards, the villains fail to instill fear, and someone should explain to the local musical instruments that rock is not anarchy. Despite these shortcomings, I'm gradually becoming curious about what will happen next, which marks progress, albeit small. 5.7/10.


Level 1 Demon Lord and One Room Hero (2023) (series) 

English While the series fell short of being an epic fantasy for me, especially in comparison to other anime this season like Helck, it did work as a charming and enjoyable comedy for relaxation. I struggled with the fusion of fantasy and modern elements. It's a world where classic swords and magic coexist with drones, apartment buildings, and technology. At times, it was hard for me to believe that the events in the world held significance, with the focus seemingly shifting more toward the stories of the four friends on their individual journeys. However, this aspect worked well, with the flashbacks and current interactions nicely portraying their relationships. The main characters were easily memorable and likable, with the protagonist feeling relatable to me in my current circumstances, barely leaving the house. Surprisingly, the chemistry between the central duo was delightful, defying my initial expectations based on the trailer based on which I expected the little demon lady to be loud and annoying. The series consistently brought laughter in almost every episode, making it something I looked forward to every Monday. 6.6/10.


The Dreaming Boy is a Realist (2023) (series) 

English Wataru is a realist! Why is Wataru a realist? Because he realizes one day that his "advanced pick-up techniques" of relentless stalking and neediness surprisingly don't yield the results he expects. Who would've guessed? It's hard to root for someone like that in real life. Meanwhile, the main heroine finds herself taken aback by Wataru's sudden change in behavior, perhaps slowly realizing that she misses him - she got used to him! Making it impossible for me to root for her either. It's a peculiar plot with new characters emerging, but their novelty wears off quickly for me. The situations that are supposed to be funny feel absurd, and the dialogue quality is often pathetic, making it hard to believe anyone would speak that way. By the second episode, I'd had enough, dropping the show. Whether it improves and becomes the romance of the season, I'll never know. I'm not sticking around to find out. I haven't fulfilled the three-episode rule so I'm leaving the show unrated, but it wouldn't get more than a 3/10 from me anyway. An unrealistic realist!


Masamune-kun's Revenge - R (2023) (season) 

English The first season was alright for me, at least according to my review of it. This time, it took a while before I got on the right wavelength that took me to the desired finale. I couldn't shake the feeling, though, that the initial episodes with the trip to France and Muriel felt like tedious filler, and I didn't find much enjoyment in them. However, things picked up with the first major revelation, and the main couple finally getting together, albeit somewhat unexpectedly. It was quite entertaining for me. From there, I was curious about what would unfold next, what new twists the series would introduce. Honestly, the romantic triangle and the attempt to create the impression that Yoshino had a chance didn't quite resonate with me, although it made sense given her role in the story and her closeness to the hero. The second half delved into the fact that the entire main relationship wasn't working because there were unresolved issues that needed to be addressed. This was at times intriguing, sometimes a bit odd, but I was never bored. Right up until the last episode, I found myself curious about how it would all wrap up. The authors managed to momentarily break my firm conviction of how everything would play out. That's why the finale felt particularly satisfying to me. Everything fell into place, and contrary to others, I was glad — it felt like my team had won! So, after a hesitant start, an interesting middle, a slightly shaky finish, and a satisfying ending, I'm giving the second season a 6/10.


Ayaka: A Story of Bonds and Wounds (2023) (series) 

English Ajaka covers quite a broad spectrum of viewers in my view, focusing on at least three main groups. Given that there are a few complicated bishōnen in the story who need to express their innermost feelings and make heroic sacrifices, the first group are young women. It also tells a tale about how even a solitary dragon requires companionship, from the perspective of an ordinary young boy, which could resonate with young guys of Yukito's age. For the rest of viewers like myself, the series offers an intriguing exploration of Japanese mysticism and Shintoism, providing insight into various aspects of these traditions. Despite my initial uncertainty about watching Ajaka after seeing the trailer, I ended up giving it a chance and found moments of enjoyment in it. While I felt that some of the character relationships and conflicts lacked depth, and I didn't really see the complexity attributed to Aka and Haruaki, Yukito's quest for friendship was endearing. The exploration of mysticism, along with the contrasting elements of dragons, water, and fire, akin to yin and yang, held my attention. The series was occasionally predictable and the ending felt overly optimistic for my taste. I didn't find the animation to be particularly impressive, with the combination of traditional drawing and CGI on all those Ara-Mitamas appearing relatively cheap. Surprisingly, though, I found myself somewhat drawn to this aesthetic. Despite its flaws, I found Ajaka to be more engaging than dull, leading me to rate it slightly above average at 5.5/10.


Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout (2023) (series) 

English Anime shows used as a marketing tool for games are a common occurrence, and when executed effectively, they can raise awareness of a video game and attract new players. Recently, I found myself strongly tempted to reinstall and play NieR: Automata - and guess why. Additionally, I've heard mostly positive reviews about Atelier Ryza, making me the ideal potential consumer; all you need to do is convince me! This series boasts beautiful animation and well-crafted music. Initially, I felt drawn into the world, expecting thrilling adventures. However, this impression quickly faded. Reluctantly, I must admit that almost two-thirds of the series felt rather dull. I learned little about the world's secrets, the monsters failed to evoke fear and resembled the cute creatures from Final Fantasy XIV. The adventures lacked interest and epicness, with most of them (except for the final storyline with the dragon) feeling like uninspired side quests. Even the presentation of alchemy failed to capture my interest. The main heroine didn't captivate me either; at times, she came across as silly or annoying (like when she wanted to use a bomb in a cave). The chemistry between the central quartet fell flat for me, except perhaps for Ryza and Klaudia. The most interesting characters that I would like to know more about and that I would follow rather than the entire central quartet were Empel and Lila. The final third attempted to salvage the series by introducing some semblance of danger and progress, but it wasn't enough to sway me towards playing the game. Overall, the series failed to sell me on anything. While I gained some insight into the gameplay and storyline of the game, I remained uninterested. The one aspect the series succeeded in showcasing was the main heroine's thighs, which were unnecessarily emphasized throughout the episodes. Someone in this creative team clearly has a strong fetish that found its way into the show. This excessive focus on fanservice left me questioning whether I should dream about being crushed by the main heroine's thighs instead of wanting to play the video game. While I might be seeing fanservice and fetishes where there are none, I can't give "Thigh Atelier" more than a 5/10 rating.