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Reviews (7,691)


Mad Men - Guy Walks Into an Advertising Agency (2009) (episode) 

English Finally! In the midst of the third season, we got an episode that hit all the right notes - interesting in every aspect, with just the right balance of humor and drama. It also played a significant role in the ongoing story development. When you factor in the two constants of this series - the period atmosphere and the stellar performances - I had no reason to hold back on the stars for this one. / Lesson learned: Don't get behind the wheel under the influence of anything.


Mad Men - The Fog (2009) (episode) 

English Even though the fifth episode wasn't a whirlwind of mind-blowing scenes that left me in silent awe, it did prompt some deep thinking. Lately, historical movies and series have been trying to convince me that black people attained high positions or military ranks, with one series even portraying them as English nobility. However, it's a different story here. The highest-ranking black character holds the hard-earned position of a liftboy, showing that the creators took historical accuracy seriously. / Lesson learned: Think about your future.


Irrational Man (2015) 

English There was a time when I enjoyed Woody Allen's films solely for Woody Allen himself. However, that gradually changed. His affected character stopped entertaining me, and eventually, it really started to grate on my nerves. These days, I can still appreciate some of his movies, but the condition for a positive experience is his absence. This film met that basic requirement, and I quite enjoyed its philosophy of murder. Joaquin Phoenix and Emma Stone are great actors and deserve an above-average rating without a doubt. / Lesson learned: The perfect crime is like a perpetual motion machine or the elixir of life.


Mad Men - The Arrangements (2009) (episode) 

English The third season feels a bit slow after watching four episodes. Don't get me wrong, I was never bored during any of them. Each part felt somewhat standalone, and there wasn't much significant progress in the main storyline. It's a paradox because I actually enjoyed all those mini-stories, so I shouldn't complain. Still, I can't help but be bothered by the lack of development in the overall story. / Lesson learned: Choose your roommate very carefully.


Mad Men - My Old Kentucky Home (2009) (episode) 

English I must applaud the incredible talent of the creators for their ability to ignite passions in more and more groups of fanatics. However, aside from this, not much significant has occurred; we're experiencing a bit of stagnation. / Lesson learned: Once it was a muse that assisted the creative mind, now it's a drug dealer.


Mad Men - Love Among the Ruins (2009) (episode) 

English Talk about a deceptive move by the creators. The episode gave off this vibe like it was packed with events, but upon closer inspection, you realize it was pretty much all fluff. What seemed like the most intriguing plotline ended up falling flat, it was just going around in circles. Yet, I ended up thoroughly entertained afterwards when I was looking for the original and stumbled upon this gem. / Lesson Learned: Always fight for true values.


Mad Men - Out of Town (2009) (episode) 

English The beginning of the third season kicked off to my satisfaction. Despite the changes brewing within the company, which started in the previous season finale, things remain pretty much status quo on the home front. The creators opted to stick with what works, and honestly, why fix what ain't broke? / Lesson learned: Know how to make the best of the situation.


The Intern (2015) 

English During a rewatch today, I begrudgingly added a star to my rating for this film. It had a lot of elements I usually can't stand — like overly cute kids, exaggerated naivety, clichés, melodrama, and Anne Hathaway. Speaking of whom, it was actually Hathaway who surprised me this time around. This marks her second role where I didn't feel an overwhelming aversion or annoyance, the first being the White Queen from Alice in Wonderland. Despite the film's flaws, I could sense Nancy Meyers' attempt to craft a genuinely heartwarming movie, and I'll admit, she succeeded to some extent. / Lesson learned: It's never too late.


Mad Men - Season 2 (2008) (season) 

English The second season continued to deliver that magnificent period atmosphere that I loved in the first one, bolstered by incredibly well-written characters, dialogue, and, of course, the story itself. Sure, there were moments here and there that I could nitpick, but on the whole, I was satisfied. / Lesson learned: If you're ever planning a trip to the sixties, brace yourself for a cultural shock.


Mad Men - Meditations in an Emergency (2008) (episode) 

English The finale of the second season was a solid win for the creators. They once again nailed the balance between the company's dynamics and the personal lives of its employees, and it's fair to say both were on point. As anticipated, Don Draper's return to New York shifted everything into a whole new gear, especially with the added tension of the Cuban Missile Crisis looming in the background. / Lesson Learned: Worried about a nuclear war? Best investment might be in a fallout shelter... or just a really well-stocked liquor cabinet.