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Reviews (7,558)


Orange Is the New Black - F*ck, Marry, Frieda (2017) (episode) 

English The awesome vibe from the last episode seemed to dim a bit, almost like the creators hit a snag in the storyline. But hey, Frieda's life flashbacks swooped in to save the day, and I was totally into those. Plus, that MacGyver-style moment was hilarious!


Orange Is the New Black - Riot FOMO (2017) (episode) 

English This series doesn't exactly play by the rules of reality, and you know what? Coming to terms with that has made the whole experience a lot more enjoyable for me.


Rédl (2018) (series) 

English The series has one significant downside. I was very disappointed with the conclusion. I really don't like Ondřej Sokol (Don't ask me why, I have no idea.), but I didn’t mind him in the role of Rédl. David Novotný and Martin Hofmann, on the other hand, were absolutely great. But the best thing of all was the perfect atmosphere which brought back a lot of interesting memories from the nineties. 5*-


Monsters of the Shore (2019) (series) 

English I have somehow missed all the previous miniseries, so I have some catching up to do, although I'm rather apprehensive. Monsters of the Shore is clearly considered the best, and yet I didn’t find the series very convincing. Great moments alternated with poor ones, I was annoyed by the constant effort to turn this into a work of art of the year, which was completely pointless and didn’t do the story much good. On the other hand, the atmosphere was great, so it was a shame that it wasn’t backed up by better writing so that I could give a higher rating.


Monsters of the Shore - Episode 3 (2019) (episode) 

English After a fairly decent second episode, the final part disappointed me a lot and almost earned only two stars, but I took pity. The investigation practically went haywire, and the helm was taken over by the duo of intuition and coincidence. The main insight I took from it is that I would like to serve as a policeman at the regional headquarters in Olomouc because I have always enjoyed barbecues. I was a bit disappointed that Mr. Koláček didn't offer the present company good Brazilian coffee.


Monsters of the Shore - Episode 2 (2019) (episode) 

English While watching the second episode, I felt much better than during the previous one, although the immense effort towards great artistry, which I honestly don't understand, was not missing here either. I still believe that plebs (including myself) would rather appreciate a simple crime story, in which instead of artistic finesse, more emphasis would be put on a more believable form of investigation. In my opinion, the summary captured it concisely and accurately.


Monsters of the Shore - Episode 1 (2019) (episode) 

English After the first episode, I have mixed feelings. Basically, I liked the episode, but I somehow feel that I wanted to like it more. Returning to old police cases generally entertains me, and this time was no different, except that the obvious effort for an artistic impression bothered me. If I were the creators, I would disregard that and focus on the story. But what do I know about filmmaking? I'm just a viewer, and even that only amateur.


Instant Family (2018) 

English A huge disappointment. Although I'm used to Mark Wahlberg starring in rather poor films lately, this was something I didn’t expect in the least. I don’t think I have ever been under such a powerful attack of various clichés, with nowhere to hide because everything was subsequently flooded by a tsunami of pathos. The comedy was weak, but what the authors succeeded in was sappy melodrama, hence my rating.


Asterix: The Secret of the Magic Potion (2018) 

English The Mansion of the Gods had great new animation, which wasn't missing this time either. Unfortunately, the creators did not provide a quality story to go with it. In the previous story, I was laughing practically the whole time. Here, there was considerably less humor, and the plot seemed all-too-familiar. Still above average but definitely weaker.


Moments (2018) 

English I watched the film mainly because of Jenovéfa Boková and I wasn’t disappointed. She was the driving force of the whole film, and I found Anežka really intriguing and relatable. Just like me, she belonged to the group of people who are hiding in their hard shell, letting only a few people in. Fortunately, Anežka had not yet mastered a natural-looking artificial smile, which made her all the more interesting. I really enjoyed this film.