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Reviews (7,691)


Admiral (2015) 

English If the ending hadn’t desperately tried to appeal to the viewers’ emotions, the film would have deserved five stars. The 130-minute running time was by no means a waste of time. Never have I seen such epic and beautifully filmed ship-of-the-line warfare. This was some masterful filmmaking on the part of the Dutch. In the moments between exciting action, intrigue was in full swing. The family matters did slightly slow it down, though. The writers bent history to their own image. But, compared to Pearl Harbor it’s like comparing a diamond to a piece of excrement. A truly excellent, epic, and beautiful film.


I, Olga Hepnarova (2016) 

English This was obviously an art film. I made this shrewd observation based on the fact that it’s in black and white and features nudity and lesbian sex in more than small amounts. If it hadn't been for the courtroom and prison scenes at the end, I would have given it only one star. All the wrongs that the title character complains about would have been reduced to getting kicked in the shower once. Other than that, the filmmakers focused on shooting a large number of oddly lifeless scenes that made it look like my screen froze. Plus, most of the individual scenes were disconnected, which may seem artistic, but also empty. I didn't learn anything about Olga Hepnarová that I hadn't already known.


The Danish Girl (2015) 

English Two stars for the performances. Other than that, I have nothing positive to say about the film. It's another one of those rainbow attempts at scoring an easy Oscar. It’s just so cheap. Just pick a "controversial" subject and instead of writing a quality script, pour in a bucket of sentimentality to achieve the desired effect. The film didn't work for me, it was draggy and boring and evoked virtually no emotion in me except for disgust after the closing credits when I realized I had wasted two hours of my life. I'd also like to note that when a film is billed as a biopic, it should be based on facts. I don't understand why the script deprived the poor guy of two more surgeries and a year of life.


1944: Forced to Fight (2015) 

English What a pleasant surprise. This should be a mandatory watch for Bay, Ayer, and the like. Maybe they would start making films that have a semblance to reality and historical facts unlike Pearl Harbor and Fury. It was an interesting look into the historical reality in the Baltics, made even better by the fact that this was the first WW2 film I have seen with StG 44 in action. The Estonians show a totally divided war generation, faced with a choice between evil and evil. Although it was clear that things couldn’t possibly turn out well, they didn’t find it necessary to make the ending overemotional, which is so typical of American production. I was thrilled.


Fifty Shades of Grey (2015) Boo!

English A film obviously made for small-town American housewives, ideally from religious families. I’m not sure who else would be surprised by terms like bondage or spanking, and I certainly don't think there’s anyone who needs to be whipped in order to realize that it hurts. Since the film is clearly aimed primarily at women, I did a quick survey among the women I know, which resulted in two distinct groups. The first one includes women who share my opinion, the second one are those who would give it a 5 because Jamie Dornan was in it. Sad, but that’s the way it is.


A Conspiracy of Faith (2016) 

English The third installment of Olsen’s series has the best film adaptation so far. I tried to watch the film as if I hadn't read the book. I enjoyed a quality crime thriller set in a community of religious fanatics with a grim atmosphere and a convincing villain. Nikolaj Lie Kaas as Detective Morck was absolutely brilliant. His rendition of a man whose life treats him like shit every single day was simply perfect. Even though I knew how the film was going to end from the book, I got a proper dose of suspense. I'm looking forward to Journal 64.


The Boy (2016) 

English Lauren Cohan is nice to look at, and she obviously knows how to act. That’s about the end of the list of positives. There was nothing to build atmosphere from, Ben Robson as Cole was pitifully unconvincing, the script was dull and worn-out, and the doll wasn't scary (it doesn’t even begin to compare with the baby from Toy Story 3). Shortly before the end, the film turned into Friday the 13th. Finally, there was a twist – the ending was missing. Truly unconventional. Like a joke without a punchline.


Svatební cesta do Jiljí (1983) (TV movie) 

English One of the films that I rank among the absolute top of Czech comedy (or comedy period). The clash of Krchňák's fantasy with the stark reality is brutal and he has to use all his skills, starting with blunt force and ending with brilliant map reading. I loved the film when I was a child and I still do.


The Nice Guys (2016) 

English I’m not a huge fan of Russell Crowe or Ryan Gosling, but I liked the film in spite of them. I was entertained for the whole 116 minutes, some scenes had me roaring with laughter, the atmosphere of the film was great and lasted till the end. Credit is due even for the casting of the two leads. They made the film work really well. I just don’t get why Kim Basinger was in it. She has always been more of a model than an actress as far as I’m concerned. Her facial expressions sure compare to Mickey Rourke's. Then again, she was the only major flaw of the whole film.


X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) 

English Not as good as First Class, but still a very decent continuation of the franchise. Granted, it slightly resembled a family reunion, with Xavier and Magneto as grandpas and Wolverine as daddy, but the story worked very well even with its different timelines. The action scenes were of good quality as usual and the whole movie had a decent pace and wasn't boring. Still worth watching.