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Reviews (1,115)


Mainstream (2020) 

English If Gia Coppola had developed the central idea of her script in a little greater depth, this could have been a very powerful and disturbing movie touching on the issue of the influence of virtual reality and social networks on the real lives of young people. What we get is more of an exhibition of Andrew Garfield, but his acting mastery makes it worth giving this unusual movie a chance. I was also intrigued by Maya Hawke, who cannot deny her famous parents’ genes. (70%)


Peculiarity of Fisherman's Soul (2021) 

English As infamously as this strange fishing trip to Norway begins, it ends in exactly the same way. And in the meantime, almost nothing happens. I see no good reason to document this at all. (45%)


First Man (2018) 

English This is perhaps the first movie about the achievements of the US space program I have seen that doesn't have frantic applause throughout the plot. Anyway, I personally am happy to applaud this time, if only because I wasn’t treated to any pathetic blathering and displays of nationalism, so typical of such productions. The whole thing is extremely down to earth, very believable and visually stunning. All this is underscored by ethereally beautiful music. I only have a slight reservation about the slightly over-long running time. (80%)


Cry Wolf (2020) (series) 

English The Cry Wolf series raises a very difficult topic that affects far more people than the general public would ever acknowledge. It is slowly becoming commonplace for couples living together to share care for children who do not have the same father, something which inevitably causes many complications in the relationships between the individual members of the household. The psychological or physical pressure that often occurs as a result, probably needs no mention. The problem is, among other things, that very few people are able to confide to their friends and family about things like that, let alone to social workers or the police... The Nordic filmmakers certainly have my infinite admiration for their craft-perfect and unusually thorough treatment of this painful subject. (95%)


Waitress (2007) 

English At first, I was horrified at what an annoying movie I had just turned on. By halfway through, I decided to still give it a chance and it turned out to be a pretty decent bittersweet comedy about a woman, terribly oppressed by her husband, with whom she becomes pregnant, much to her chagrin. (60%)


A New Shift (2020) 

English This is some big change. I bet not many people would be able to make the transition from miner to computer programmer. It's a bit science fiction, but things like that do happen, as Jindřich Andrš shows in his time-lapse documentary about the case of nice-guy Tomáš Hisem. He has my great admiration, if only because even at his relatively advanced age, he has achieved the impossible in the job market and still kept his face. (80%)


Servants (2020) 

English The filmmakers managed to perfectly portray the constrained atmosphere of the time, which they achieved mainly thanks to the striking black-and-white stylization, oppressive music and distressing sound. However, the largely depressing Servants ultimately suffers from the fact that the story lacks momentum, a slightly more developed plot and more fleshed-out characters. (65%)


American Made (2017) 

English I have nothing in principle against this one-man show with a well-acting Tom Cruise. The plot moves along quite well and there are a few moments that will really entertain the audience. But when I compare this movie to the Narcos series which is similar in terms of theme and storytelling style, it loses a little bit of its luster. I feel like Barry Seale's biographical story lacks verve. It simply could have been more suspenseful. (65%)


Oslo, August 31st (2011) 

English It seems that young drug addict Anders is slowly struggling out of his drug addiction after his treatment. But unfortunately, he is faced with the persistent and consuming thought... How to continue to live when you lack the drive and the slightest will to start over? (85%)


Sedentary (2022) 

English Even young children nowadays spend more time sitting than walking. Long-term sitting is a very topical issue that affects all of us. The documentary called Sedentary focuses on the health risks associated with poor posture during prolonged inactivity. It's just a shame that it keeps saying the same things over and over again. It would certainly have benefited the overall effect if it had been some ten minutes shorter. (65%)