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Reviews (1,115)


Bottled with Love (2019) (TV movie) 

English The romantic story with the plot of a message in a bottle thrown into water has been made into films a few times and the result was usually much better than in this case. Add to that the fact that I couldn't enjoy the performances of the leads the entire time, and I essentially have nothing to praise this somewhat soporific film for. (35%)


Depeche Mode: SPIRITS in the Forest (2019) (concert) 

English Through this work, Anton Corbijn clearly conveys the message that music connects people and can change their lives. I was a bit annoyed by how the fans' commentaries sometimes insensitively interfered with the footage from Depeche Mode's concerts in Berlin, but the six stories captured my attention so much that I didn't really mind in the end. This documentary brought back beautiful memories of a time when I enjoyed the euphoric atmosphere that usually accompanies the performances of this iconic band. (85%)


Lust for Life (1956) 

English This is what a good biopic should be. It seems to me that in times long past, American filmmakers were able to tackle the genre far better than they can today. Kirk Douglas as the psychologically torn painter Vincent van Gogh was almost demonic in certain scenes and certainly gave one of the best performances of his career. (80%)


Girls Trip (2017) 

English This would-be comedy is dominated by disgust and shrillness. I'd be hard-pressed to find anything to praise here. I can't think of anything other than that the filmmakers wanted to take revenge on the dark-skinned ladies by making a film about them that is this mundane, which was not even saved by a glimmer of thought toward the end in a public speech by presenter Ryan Pierce, in which she openly admitted her disappointment in her marriage. (15%)


Ford v Ferrari (2019) 

English Since I'm not really a fan of car racing, I was a bit scared by the somewhat longer runtime of this film. That's why it took me quite a while to get up the courage to watch it. If I'd only known how incredibly appealingly filmed it was, I wouldn't have hesitated at all, and I'd have watched the events at Circuit de la Sarthe in Le Mans, France long ago. I was never bored during the film and I was rooting for the main characters right from the beginning. I could feel the period atmosphere from all sides, even from the looks of Matt Damon and Christian Bale, who both gave very convincing performances, and especially the latter was absolutely amazing in his role. Last but not least, I also appreciate the fact that the filmmakers did not spoil the story's denouement with any heartbreaking scenes, which the tragic conclusion of the fate of British racer Ken Miles directly encouraged. I mustn't forget to mention the great soundtrack, which gave all the action the right amount of gradation. (95%)


The Call of the Wild (2020) 

English I didn't expect a film called The Call of the Wild to offer a fully digital dog in the lead role, which is far from the end of its dubious progressiveness. I might as well have watched a cartoon. This film has nothing much to do with Jack London. If we let children watch similar digital fairy tales, they won't even know how real animals behave in real life. In extreme situations, they can pay a heavy price for their ignorance of natural behavior and natural laws. Unlike them, we adults know that even the biggest dog cannot make a bear retreat by merely baring its fangs. If only for the participation of the likable Omar Sy and the amusing scene with the golden trout that Buck dropped back into the water from his mouth when Harrison Ford wasn't looking, I'm sticking with a three-star rating. (50%)


Doctor Thorne (2016) (series) 

English The three-part miniseries Doctor Thorne deserves attention mainly for its brilliantly crafted dialogue, quality costume design, and beautiful locations. The story itself is nothing special, and the worst thing about it is its rather predictable nature. Unfortunately, the performances are not great either. (55%)


Husband for Hour (2016) 

English Much to my surprise, I quite enjoyed this indirect sequel to Husband to Rent. The absence of Jitka Čvančarová certainly played its part in that regard, but this time I was bothered by Zuzana Norisová, whose acting skills I have long had considerable doubts about. However, I have to admit that the sexist humor was much more digestible this time, the story was more or less the same, and the tasteful musical accompaniment by René Rypar made me very happy. (60%)


Husband to Rent (2014) 

English Sexist jokes like the ones in Husband to Rent are repugnant to me. In particular, the storyline revolving around David Novotný and Jitka Čvančarová disgusted me so much that I am unable to objectively judge whether the rest of the film is watchable or not. (35%)


Laika (2017) 

English From my point of view, this is an excellent satirical puppet show with animals, astronauts, and strange creatures, interspersed with sweet singing, clever ideas, and a whole host of funny flourishes that point out how beautiful the world could be without humans. Perhaps because of this very unflattering message, this animation gem remained without a proper response from the audience. (80%)