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Reviews (1,115)


That Thing You Do! (1996) 

English Tom Hanks probably wanted to make himself happy with this film, but I can't believe that he could be particularly happy with the result. Although I'm a big fan of music of all kinds, I'm sorry to say that Hanks' directorial debut isn't worth much. (40%)


Mean Barka (1986) 

English Jan Werich knew about the typically Czech cunning and greed long before it proliferated to unprecedented levels in the country. Proof of that is his brilliant morality play Mean Barka from Dejvice. With unmistakable wit and insight, he hit the nail on the head, and the vast majority of his observations still apply today.


Almost Famous (2000) 

English "If you think Mick Jagger will still be out there trying to be a rock star at age fifty, then you are sadly, sadly mistaken." +++ These memorable words, along with a lot of other catchphrases, make Almost Famous probably the most entertaining musical film I've ever seen. Cameron Crowe showed here that he is not only a huge fan of rock music, but that he can also bring it to the film audience in a very engaging way. The 1970s were undoubtedly a time when legendary bands created their greatest rock hits, and I am grateful that someone allowed me to peek into the environment where it all happened. It was an incredible ride, which I would love to repeat again.


The Visitor (2008) 

English The poetically evolving story is soon overshadowed by a rather bleak undertone, which gradually evolves into a considerably depressing atmosphere from which there is no escape. All of this is greatly contributed to not only by excellent cinematography but also by various noises, sounds, and music. It's definitely a very unusual film experience that made a strong impression on me, although I'm not at all sure I'd like to see it again. The cast is also worth mentioning, led by the great Vitalij Bobrov as the mute boy, but Pavel Liška as the mysterious farm visitor is good too. (85%)


The Blind Side (2009) 

English The script, somehow very Americanized, doesn't allow me to believe that something like this could really happen. The whole thing is extremely idealized and desperately predictable. It seems to me like a sports fairy tale for children and adults, which is nice to look at, but that's all. (50%)


The Treasure (2015) 

English This bittersweet comedy tells the story of a treasure hunt to help the two main characters to a happier life and to get them out of the debt trap. Corneliu Porumboiu's good knowledge of the realities of the time, which he used to the maximum, was the source of many black-humored situations. Perhaps it all could have been a bit more brisk, but the inventive ending along with the tones of the well-known song "Life is Life" by the Austrian band Opus, performed by the controversial Slovenian group Laibach, amused me a lot. (75%)


Ženy, které nespí (2020) 

English This was sad to see, especially considering the great inspiration of real life. The whole story is carried by the great Vilma Cibulková, which is not a bad thing at all, quite the opposite. Jakub Dvořák may indeed have significant potential, if only for the fact that he managed to unfold a more intriguing romantic story in such a small space than many seasoned veterans of Czech cinema in their feature films. (75%)


Homeland (2013) 

English A pretty good drama with elements of humor grappling with the fact that blood is thicker than water, and none of us can deny our roots. Fortunately, I don't tend to read the content of a film before I actually watch it, so the major twist in the first third was a welcome boost, after which I followed all the action with much more interest. There was definitely something to see here. Tewfik Jallab wasn't entirely bad either, and not just with his pleasant appearance, but also with his adequate portrayal of the titular role. +++ The situation after Farid's romantic phone call with his French girlfriend in an Algerian diner, when all present have their eyes wide open and ears pricked up: "Can't one have a little privacy?" - "Do you know how to say privacy in Arabic? There are no words for that." Then everyone bursts out laughing... +++ (80%)


Ordinary People (1980) 

English An excellent psychological drama, the power of which is most appreciated by people who have been through something similar themselves. Although I don't have a completely identical personal experience, there's a reason in my past that I can empathize with a given situation like few others, and I admit that this film tore my insides apart. In his directorial debut, Robert Redford had already confirmed that he will one day be one of the leading figures in world cinema. The acting of all the main protagonists speaks for itself. (100%)


Ocean's 8 (2018) 

English Even the participation of a plethora of famous actresses evidently wasn't enough for Gary Ross to direct a quality crime thriller. It was really just a chance to participate, not in the filming of a movie, but in a show of luxury and superficiality. Sarah Paulson was the only one who made an effort to act a bit, while the rest of the cast just showed off their exteriors. Apparently, the girls had it in their job description because otherwise, I can't explain why they tarnished their reputations so much with this. And as if that weren't enough, the screenplay steered clear of this nonsense with a wide berth, and humor seemed to have taken a vacation just to be safe. (25%)