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Reviews (1,115)


In the Aisles (2018) 

English The title In the Aisles is somewhat misleading. I think that the love between a man and a woman comes second in this amazing film. Primarily, it deals with interpersonal relationships in a warehouse, which represents for its employees a small world without a sky, pulsating with its own inner life. The story has plenty of romance, and it is playful and poetic, but at the same time very sad. The strong emotions that gush out of it are underlined by the extremely infectious music. The fresh central trio of Franz Rogowski, Sandra Hüller, and Peter Kurth exude such wonderfully authentic vibes that I immediately fell in love with them and intensely experienced all the joys and sorrows with them. (90%)


Point Blank (2010) 

English There are some flaws here, but this is indeed how I imagine a suspense thriller. The filmmakers managed to keep the frantic pace of the action-packed film from the very beginning to the end, perhaps thanks to the shorter runtime. When I take into account that the main character is a likable guy, who you just can't help but root for, it all adds up to a great spectacle for a Sunday evening. (75%)


A Confession (2019) (series) 

English Generally speaking, I always like to watch film stories based on true events, if only because I often learn something I had no idea about before. But with A Confession in particular, I was a bit bored at times. Moreover, I was not completely satisfied with the final trial, as it could have been a bit more elaborate. On the other hand, I have to admit that the craftsmanship is very good. With the overall rating, however, I'm going one star lower than I originally intended because it's one of those series you watch once and that's it. (65%)


Cellar (2018) 

English The psychological drama Cellar has a number of shortcomings, including the unpleasantness of being somewhat lengthy. Still, despite everything, it is quite a watchable film. The credit for this goes mainly to the good performances and a certain tension that accompanies the plot. (60%)


Let There Be Light (2019) 

English "He who walks with a clear conscience is not harmed by thunder!" +++ I couldn't have expressed the message of Let There Be Light any better, I'm just a bit worried whether this mantra is still valid in the current strange times we are living in. For more perceptive viewers, perhaps this film, which is brilliantly handled in every respect, provides an answer to such considerations. I would like to point out that Marko Škop as both a writer and director is starting to interest me more and more, as his feature debut Eva Nová was very good. (90%)


Happy Sweden (2008) 

English A remarkable sociological study that at times sends shivers down one's spine, as it makes one realize our often involuntary herd mentality. At least I often get the feeling that there is no escape from it. It is certainly a timeless film with an almost documentary approach, but it may not be to everyone's taste. (75%)


Shoplifters (2018) 

English A beautiful and actually very touching film, but somehow in a completely different way than is usual in the Czech Republic. A sincerely and without unnecessary pathos told story of a group of people living on the fringe of society, who, although not related by blood, form a family in a much better sense than many blood relatives. The civilian and completely natural performances of the actors wonderfully add to the realness and power of this film. (85%)


Liza, the Fox-Fairy (2015) 

English A playful romantic comedy with quite a large dose of poetry. I have no problem with that, quite the opposite, but I could definitely do without the musical performances of Japanese pop singer Toni Tani. (65%)


The Blair Witch Project (1999) 

English At the time of its release, The Blair Witch Project was literally a revelation in our movie theaters. I remember being scared shitless during the screening. It felt so authentic that I was really scared once when I got lost in the woods while looking for mushrooms and managed to get out of it only about two hours after dark. I immediately recalled this film. I consider The Blair Witch Project to be a near-perfect mystifying horror film. Moreover, those woods near Burkitsville, Maryland, have so much in common with the ones near where I live that I couldn't set foot in them for weeks after seeing it. (85%)


Nothing to Hide (2018) 

English I saw Nothing to Hide about a year ago and was so intrigued that I started looking for the original Italian film Perfect Strangers, which the French had obviously ripped off without any invention of their own. If that wasn't the case, I would certainly rate this film better. After all, there are certainly countless ways to develop this excellent theme or to make it more interesting. (65%)