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Reviews (2,509)


The Maltese Falcon (1941) 

English My favorite film noir. A story with a veil of mystery, relentless pacing, an atmosphere of pleasant uncertainty, and Humphrey Bogart at the peak of his powers, unaware that his charismatic Sam Spade will go down in history. I'll have some rotten nights after I've sent you over, but that'll pass. -- New Year's Eve screening 2005


Švestka (2001) (theatrical recording) 

English But it was the young one! Kryštof! The little guy! He lived in Polžice or Bezdružice... One of the best plays of my favorite theater troupe. Ladislav Smoljak's sclerotic improvisations are perfect.


One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) 

English Clearly the best of Miloš Forman, the best of Jack Nicholson, and one of the most works I most admire. If I had to objectively state one film that deserves the highest rating from everyone, I would say it is indeed One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. The actors compete over who does the best acting job – whether it's Randall, the head nurse, or any of the other crazies, they are all incredibly believable. For me, the best was the Indian, also because of the ending, where my jaw dropped and stayed hanging open for quite some time.


Schindler's List (1993) 

English When Steven Spielberg puts forward his most fundamental mental dilemma alongside his opinions and beliefs, nothing can arise but the strongest and extra tasty cinematic coffee and his intellectual peak. While Schindler's transformation from an ordinary citizen to an unstoppable advocate for all neighbors gains intensity perhaps a bit inconspicuously, during the grand scenes and perfectly credible streams of thoughts from the mouths of the main characters, it becomes all the more emphatic. A truly unique and irreplicable work in its own way, in every aspect.


The Pacifier (2005) 

English Positive attitudes expressed through the moralistic advice of the oldest girl, the constantly impersonal performance of trying to seem above it all, and the height of all cheesiness with "Goodbye, dad". All of this would simply be forgettable craziness, but the countless gags with bodily fluids from the youngest in the family somewhat spoiled this evening for me.


Chinatown (1974) 

English A detective story with a strong noir flavor. A beautifully slowly flowing film that doesn't let you catch your breath for a moment despite its pace and length.


Oldboy (2003) 

English An Asian miracle that had no effect on me. The musical accompaniment is flawless, but visually, even the highly praised scenes reach the limit of mediocrity. If there is anything of brilliance here, it's the twist; too bad that right after it, director Chan-wook Park "adds more blood" and loses me again on the way to the climax. I understand everyone who was moved by the last minute or captivated by the film as a whole. I understand them, but I will never be one of them.


The Curse of the Jade Scorpion (2001) 

English My beloved Woody Allen unfortunately caught a creative cramp and made an awkward piece with proven word duels, a beautiful happy ending, but sadly with a weaker main story.


Small Time Crooks (2000) 

English Visual gags so good that they surprised me, the first proper scoundrel played by Hugh Grant, and plenty of lines that are absolutely made to be quoted over and over. A very audience-friendly film that shamefully went unnoticed in Woody Allen's filmography.