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Reviews (1,995)


Enemy at the Gates (2001) 

English The opening is gripping, the view of war-torn Stalingrad, looking rather like hell, the crossing of the Volga with the help of Messerschmidts and the subsequent attack leading to a bloodbath - that's a nice piece of filmmaking. The production design as a whole is monumental and it’s one of the film’s assets. But after the opening act, the film drags and suffers from a number of screenwriting holes. But it is watchable, also thanks to the trio Law, Weisz, Harris.


Traffic (2000) 

English I think anyone who has seen Traffic and Gladiator has no doubts about which film should have rightly won the Oscar for Best Picture. Traffic is the most perfect film about the drug problem ever made. Soderbergh excels as a director and cinematographer, and among the actors, Micheal Douglas, who was more deserving of an Oscar than Benicio del Toro.


The Truman Show (1998) 

English Touching, funny, poignant - all together and perfectly executed. I don't know how Americans, as a TV nation, viewed it, but given the decent box office returns, they probably liked it. I would love to play this movie for the soap opera addicts to enjoy as well. You can see them in the perfectly staged shots of loyal TV viewers - the two old ladies hugging couldn’t have been better. But they might not get it... "What is Lima doing again? Change the channel, this is awful."


Waterworld (1995) 

English The first two acts are great, and if the whole film was like that, I wouldn't hesitate to reach for the highest rating. But the botched ending with the "liberation" scene from the tanker completely spoils the good impression. The scene where Costner runs through the tanker and sets it on fire is very bad, and what followed, including the bungee jumping, gave me fits of laughter. Also, the over-acting Dennish Hopper wasn’t a very fortunate choice, either.


Clear and Present Danger (1994) 

English Despite the stellar cast of Ford and Dafoe, it's a heavily overwrought borefest that takes a lot of work to finish. Even the combat scenes from Colombia are not so well filmed as to bring a bit of the necessary adrenaline rush to snap the viewer out of their lethargy.


Speed (1994) 

English A lethal adrenaline ride that, when seen on the big screen, draws the viewer into the action, but loses much on the television screen. Jan de Bont set such a high bar with his feature debut that he didn't even come close to it in his subsequent films.


Roman Holiday (1953) 

English A wonderful love story with a lovely Audrey Hepburn and a charming Gregory Peck. The final scene, the meeting of the princess with the press corps, brought tears to my eyes. I had no idea I was so romantic...


Tom & Viv (1994) 

English The true story of the writer T.S. Eliot and his mad wife, whose mental illness made life difficult for those around her. Amazing performances by Willem Dafoe and Miranda Richardson. My favorite Dafoe as the introverted writer is great as always, but Miranda Richardson excels here, and I can well enough imagine her insane creation winning an Oscar, even if it didn't happen.


The Fabulous Baron Munchausen (1961) 

English An eighty-minute showcase of the Master's imagination with the irresistible Miloš Kopecký in the lead role and a completely unique and detailed visual design, even for international standards. Even Gilliam's version couldn't top this nearly 50-year-old gem. It is no wonder that Karel Zeman's films have made it into the curricula of foreign film schools. Karel Zeman is a film personality of worldwide importance!!


The Scorpion King (2002) 

English A mediocre action flick laden with a thousand clichés. Surprisingly, I didn’t mind The Rock, but he is very hammy every time he tries to bring some insight to his role. Arnie did much better with that in Conan the Barbarian.