Laura Citarella

Laura Citarella

Born 1981
La Plata, Argentina


Laura Citarella has belonged, since 2006, to the production company El Pampero Cine, along with Mariano Llinás, Agustín Mendilaharzu and Alejo Moguillansky. In 2011 she directed her first feature film, Ostende, winner at the BAFICI of the Argentinian Film Critics Association (ACCA) Award. The second, La mujer de los perros (2015), competed at Rotterdam Festival and garnered the Best Actress Award at the BAFICI for Verónica Llinás, also co-director of the film. In 2019 she joined Mercedes Halfton to co-direct the documentary Las poetas visitan a Juana Bignozzi. She has similarly produced films including Castro (Alejo Moguillansky, 2009) and La flor (Mariano Llinás, 2018). Trenque Lauquen was presented in Venice Festival's Orizzonti section.

Festival de San Sebastián




