Michel Hazanavicius

Michel Hazanavicius

Born 03/29/1967 (57 years old)
Paris, Île de France, France


THE ARTIST is the first American film by acclaimed French writer/director Michel Hazanavicius. Hazanavicius first broke through as a feature filmmaker with his 2006 comedy OSS 117 - CAIRO, NEST OF SPIES, a spy spoof starring Jean Dujardin. Hazanavicius and Dujardin reteamed three years later for the hit sequel OSS 117 - LOST IN RIO.

Hazanavicius made his feature directorial debut in 1999 with MES AMIES (MY FRIENDS), which he also wrote. He began his career as a director in television. He co-wrote and co-directed the cult television movie LA CLASSE AMÉRICAINE, which dubbed an absurdist mystery narrative over clips from American movies. Hazanavicius made the movie into feature films in 1994, when he made his acting debut in FEAR CITY: A FAMILY-STYLE COMEDY (LA CITÉ DE LA PEUR). Two years later, he transitioned into feature writing as well, with credits including the comedies DELPHINE 1, YVAN 0; THE CLONE (LE CLONE) and LUCKY LUKE AND THE DALTONS.

La Petite Reine







The Search
