Marjane Satrapi

Marjane Satrapi

Born 11/22/1969 (54 years old)
Teherán, Iran


At the age of 14, her parents decided to send her to study in the French Lycée in Vienna so that she could complete her secular education and to allow her to develop in a less oppressive atmosphere than in her country. After completing her primary studies she returned to Iran to study Fine Arts, but soon after she decided to leave for France and has been living in Paris ever since. In Paris, she met David B., a gifted cartoonist and illustrator, and came into contact with L’Association. Encouraged by David B., she created a comic book to reflect her experiences and her vision of Iranian society, from which the series Persepolis emerged at the end of 2000. The work, published in four volumes, was a great success with critics and the public. Satrapi herself, with Vincent Paronnaud, adapted it to an animation film. Since 2011, Satrapi has directed four movies: Chicken with Plums, Gang of the Jotas, The Voices and in 2019 Radioactive, produced by Amazon and starring Rosamund Pike as the leading lady.

Festival cine por mujeres




Chicken with Plums - comic book


Persepolis - comic book


