Fernando Colomo

Fernando Colomo

Born 02/02/1946 (78 years old)
Madrid, Madrid, Spain


Fernando Colomo (Madrid, 1946) is a director, screenwriter, actor, producer and architect. His first film, Tigres de papel (1977), premiered at the San Sebastian Festival, opened the door to a new kind of comedy, reflection of the social and political changes. Some of his best known films are La vida alegre (1987), Bajarse al moro (1989), Los años bárbaros (1998) and Al sur de Granada (2003). Meanwhile, he produced the first works of filmmakers including Fernando Trueba, Iciar Bollaín, Mariano Barroso, Daniel Calparsoro, Daniela Fejerman, Inés París and Santiago Zannou, among others.

Festival de San Sebastián



