Paolo Taviani

Paolo Taviani

Born 11/08/1931
San Miniato, Toscana, Italy

Died 02/29/2024 (92 years old)
Rome, Italy


Paolo Tavioni, one of the strongest, longest-lived and continuously regenerating voices in Italian cinema, works alone after sharing a whole filmography of artistic direction with his brother Vittorio, who passed away in 2018. Having been influenced by Rosellini, they debuted in 1962 with A Man For Burning and, since the success in 1977 with the beautiful and blunt Father and Master  (Palme d’Or at Cannes), they have made title after title, such as The Night of the Shooting Stars (1982), Fiorile (1993), Elective Affinities (1996) or Caesar Must Die (2012), Golden Bear winner in Berlin. Tavioni came to the SEFF and presented his last joint film, Rainbow: A Private Affair (2017). His Leonora addio premiered at the Berlinale.

Festival de Cine de Sevilla



