Alfonso Arau

Alfonso Arau

Born 01/11/1932 (92 years old)
Mexiko City, Mexico


Alfonso Arau's brilliant and prolific career as actor, dancer, mime, director, producer and screenwriter for cinema and theater has earned him invaluable world - class prestige. His film Como agua para chocolate (Like water for chocolate) opened the gates for Mexican cinema to the international market and is still one of the best selling movies in Spanish language. Alfonso Arau has been awarded with seven Ariels by the Mexican Academy of Science and Cinematographic Art (Academia Mexicana de Ciencias y Artes Cinematográficas), as well as numerous cinema and theater international prizes.

As director, Arau has made a series of memorable films such as: Un paseo por las nubes (A walk in the clouds), with Keanu Reeves and Anthony Quinn, and Picking up the pieces with Woody Allen, among others. As actor, he has participated in more than twenty movies, like Mojado Power, El Rincón de las Vírgenes, Tivoli, Calzonzin Inspector, El Topo, Romancing the Stone, and Three amigos. As entrepreneur, he is the founder and president of the popular cinema-theater's firm Cinelux Digital and the Foundation Cidilux, A.C.Jon Bowman, Executive Director of Santa Fe's International Film Festival in New Mexico, said when he was granting him the "Luminaria" prize: "Arau is truly a Renaissance artist with a profound and innate understanding of all the stages of the cinematographic medium".

Festival Internacional de Cine en Guadalajara








