Ruben Östlund

Ruben Östlund

Born 04/13/1974 (50 years old)
Styrsö, Göteborgs och Bohus län, Sweden


Ruben Östlund was born in 1974 on Styrsö, a small island of off the West Coast of Sweden. An avid skier, Östlund directed three ski films and developed a taste for long sequence shots.
Östlund went on to study film at the University of Gothenburg where he developed his sense for constructed and well thought out sequence shots which has continued to evolve in his short and feature films until now. His feature debut THE GUITAR MONGOLOID won the FIPRESCI Award at Moscow in 2005. INVOLUNTARY followed in 2008 making its premiere in Cannes' Official Selection and went on to win 10 awards and be released theatrically in 16 territories. His short INCIDENT BY A BANK, Golden Bear winner at 2010 Berlinale, is the first film to explore the potential of new shooting and editing techniques made possible by the 4K Red camera.

Triniti Film






