Xing Jing

Xing Jing

Born 08/13/1967 (56 years old)
Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China


Jin Xing the son of Korean immigrants was born in 1967 in Liaoning, Shenyang, China. He entered the Chinese military academy at the tender age of 9 on a classical dancing scholarship. At first his parents were against the move, but after much persuasion Jin Xing managed to convince them to let him go. Apart from the standard training one receives at the military academy Jin Xing also studied Russian ballet, classical Chinese dancing and acrobatics. But, Jin Xing was suffering. Even when he was a child Jin Xing knew that he was a girl trapped inside a boy’s body. It took Jin Xing an immense amount of time, courage, patience and rejection before he could eventually persuade the extremely conservative Chinese government to allow him to become a fully fledged woman.

Jin Xing quickly worked his way up through the military and at the young age of 17 had already attained the rank of Colonel. On a personal level Jin Xing was officially regarded as China’s paramount dancer. In 1988 Jin Xing’s life changed dramatically when he received a one-year scholarship from the Modern Dance Company in New York. Whilst there he had the opportunity to study under some of the greatest theatrical artists of the time such as Merce Cunningham, Martha Graham, Murry Louise and Jose Limon.

After receiving accolade after accolade in The United States Jin Xing took a teaching position at The Centre for Expressive Dancing in Rome. After his tenure in Rome expired at the end of 1993 Jin Xing began touring the world as a dancer / choreographer. In 1994, Jin Xing founded the Beijing Modern Dance Ensemble which was followed in 2000 by the Shanghai Jin Xing Dance Theatre. Now she is a ballerina and contemporary dancer, well known in China and Europe and whose Ballet troupe performs in China, France and countries all over the world.

The Weinstein Company



You Beautify My Life


The Protector


Colonel Jin Xing



Vivement dimanche