The Yenisei – Sibiria`s River of the Banished

(TV movie)
  • Germany Der Jenissei, Sibirien Fluss der Verbannten
Documentary / Short
Germany, 2011, 29 min


The Yenisei is one of the three great rivers of Siberia; it rises in the mountains of Mongolia and flows to the Arctic Sea. But it is only when the summer sun frees its waters from the hold of the Arctic ice that the Yenisei comes to life.
The journey on the old post steamer from Krasnoyarsk to Dudinka takes six days, from Siberia's young metropolis to the far north of Russia – deep inside the Arctic Circle. For the people on the river, the Yenisei is everything: provider and protector, lifeline and gift from God. On our journey through Siberia we meet people who without the river and its weekly passenger steamer would be completely cut off from the outside world. The film sets out to find the few remaining ruins of the gulags. Ten thousand people fell victim to Stalinist terror on the banks of the Yenisei. The last stony, weather-worn witnesses to this suffering are keeping their secrets in the hostile swamps of the Taiga. (official distributor synopsis)



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