Wild Wheels

Documentary / Short
USA, 1991

Directed by:

Harrod Blank


Harrod Blank, Les Blank
(more professions)


Wild Wheels is a personal exploration into the world of Car Art, in which the filmmaker, Harrod Blank, drives his wildly decorated VW bug across the United States in search of other cars that have been modified beyond recognition. He finds 45 of the most bizarre cars anyone has ever seen; a brass hippo on wheels, a car covered with grass, and a car shaped like a spaceship, to name a few. Even more interesting are the people who drive these Art Cars and what motivates them. For example, one man attached 1,400 toy horses onto his Buick Skylark to recover from alcoholism! Another man, suffering from extreme insomnia, covered his car, his suit, his guitar, and practically everything with buttons. The film captures the most basic 'American' desires of Freedom, Individuality, and ... the Automobile! (International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam)



User Format Languages Added Note
cunesk8 Other
dm13 VHS