
Based on Neil Gaiman's novel, this fantasy follows young Tristan (Charlie Cox) as he travels to a wondrous land to retrieve a fallen star. After discovering that the star has transformed into the beautiful Yvaine (Claire Danes), Tristan must contend with some witches and would-be kings seeking to possess her magic, while he meets such rogues as the pirate Captain Shakespeare (Robert de Niro). (Paramount Home Entertainment)


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English Camera flights and shots of large panoramas, striking orchestral and choral music, slow-motion shots of running horses – at times it looks like another installment of Lord of the Rings, but it is by no means that. Stardust is a heartfelt, immensely entertaining, and funny ride that will amuse viewers of all ages. It won't bore the little ones, and it won't offend the grown-ups, which is damn hard to achieve, especially in fantasy these days. All the wannabe successors to Peter Jackson burned out until now, almost without exception, but Matthew Vaughn scores with witty humor, clever dialogues, and an excellent cast, with Claire Danes and Robert De Niro leading the pack. And just when it seems like it could fall into cliché and sentimentality, something happens that turns the previous minutes on their head and the ride continues at a brisk pace. A project that wasn't believed in and yet succeeded. ()


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English A wonderful family movie made even more special thanks to Gaiman’s imagination and his feeling for story. Marvelous casting, from the beautiful Claire Danes all the way down to the horrible Peter O'Toole;everybody fits their roles perfectly and Vaugh demonstrates that he really knows his stuff. Why can’t life be a fairytale like this too? ()



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English An engaging story with a pleasant esprit of British dry humour and finally, after a long time, a fairy tale that does not make a fool of the children and delights the adults with its wit and the originality of its setting. I'm sure I'll read something by the oddball Gaiman sometime. Matthew Vaughn has grown up, and the likeable De Niro hasn't had such a rewarding role in a long time (his "travesty dance" in The Wardrobe is, I'd say, a rare moment in his long acting career). I don't mind the visibly limited budget at all, because this film has a soul and that's worth it. The slightly rushed finale is a bit of a pity perhaps, but otherwise it’s a very nice film. ()


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English I only needed a pleasant mood, a head full of imagination, and a few minutes in the Wall. Thanks to the second viewing of Stardust, it became the most pleasurable delight in a very long time. With this, I am paying a huge tribute to the story of Tristan, Yvaine, and Septimus, and I am slowly setting off to search for the star. This radiant enlightenment has given me a romantic mood for months to come. Matthew Vaughn, with numerous violations of cliché and at the same time confirming all the necessary aspects of a great adventure spectacle, has created a heartwarming film after which fairy tales will never be the same as before. Now excuse me, I'm going to dry my eyes. But it's not because of being moved, it's just some specks of dust that fell into them. Guess what kind. ()


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English Very good. When Matthew Vaughn's exuberant imagination is not enough, either Michelle Pfeiffer's ever more attractive witch or the amazingly funny Robert De Niro on a truly unique role step in with great gusto. The fantastic story and, above all, the world it creates are less appealing and holistic than, say, The Neverending Story or the still unique The Princess Bride, but I can't recall an American fairy tale where the director managed to combine a purely childish portion of entertainment with a purely adult one so brilliantly and seamlessly. Anyway, I am convinced that if Václav Vorlíček had had the same budget and technical possibilities in his time, he would have handled such an interesting subject a little more magically (though certainly not more entertainingly). 4* and a bit. ()

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