Lovely Complex

Iron Fist of Love! Feel the Maiden Spirit! (E17)

  • English Love's Iron Fist! Catch, O Maiden Soul!! (more)
Japan, 2007, 25 min

Based on:

中原アヤ (comic book)


Yumi Kageyama


Hironosuke Sato
(more professions)


Lisa and Ōtani have returned to just being friends. Though they are just friends, Lisa tries her best to keep her love inside herself protected. The final tournament for Ōtani's basketball team draws near, but the first match is impossible, as they're facing last years champions. When Ōtani immediately gives up, Lisa yells at him! In that moment, it dawns on Ōtani that Lisa's actually getting passionate for his sake. After the match, Ōtani confesses that he needs Koizumi to function. But Lisa is asleep, snoring loudly. It looks like these two keep missing each other in the crucial moments. (Crunchyroll)
