
This light comedy has Sailor Spike Madden (McLaglen) discovering that he has competition for his girl friend in various ports of call. He finally overtakes his rival, Salami (Armstrong), another sailor, and after a fight they become fast friends. Madden meets Marie (Brooks), a very attractive little gold digger, and falls head over heels in love. Salami finds out the sad truth about Marie and has to make the decision whether or not to tell his friend, Madden. This was the Brooks performance that convinced G. W. Pabst to cast her in Pandora's Box (1928). (official distributor synopsis)


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English The story follows Spike and Bill's friendship, which is all the more solid for having gotten off to a wilder start. Spike’s life had been going well as a lover in every port, but every one of his former and potential future lovers had also had an experience with Bill. So their inevitable meeting took place, but after many vicissitudes, it turned out that true friendship is worth more than the occasional girl. And then Neptune's wife, the darling of all oceans, the acrobat Godiva, came onto the scene. Played, of course, by Louise Brooks. This glamorous French girl had Spike so confused that he had planned his entire future with her, complete with a picket fence. Unfortunately, she was also Bill's jilted lover... Now it was clear that the finale was going to have to be really exciting. Moreover, Louise's entrance onto the stage is really spectacular, as she has a special swimsuit for her acrobatic performance and her slim figure is very electrifying. Of course, one can better understand her journey to Weimar if she has paved her way with this role, albeit a supporting one. ()

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