
  • English Blackhearts - Sell Your Soul to Rock'n'Roll


Heavy metal sub-genre black metal made the news in the 1990s for satanic church burnings and suicides/murders. The initially vilified genre is now part of Norway's cultural heritage; fans can visit a museum featuring, e.g. a bench from Mayhem's practice room. Black metal has become a tourist attraction. This documentary portrays exceptional 'blackpackers' from Iran, Greece and Colombia. Musician Sina would risk harsh punishment for playing black metal in Iran and so debuts on a Norwegian stage. Greek band Naer Mataron is controversial because front man Kaiadas is also a parliamentarian for the Neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party. The Colombian Hector and his band Luciferian are dedicated Satanists who – before travelling to Norway – participate in a satanic ritual. Their passion for the genre runs way deeper than that of their Norwegian heroes Vegar and Arnt, who lead cosy lives. Free admission. (International Film Festival Rotterdam)


Videos (1)

D: English S: English