There Were Five of Us

  • Czech Republic Bylo nás pět
Czech Republic, 1994, 6 h 2 min (Length: 60–61 min)

Directed by:

Karel Smyczek

Based on:

Karel Poláček (book)


Ondřej Vogeltanz


Martin Šec


Petr Hapka


Adam Novák, Jaroslav Pauer, Jan Müller, Štěpán Benyovszký, Jan Brynych, Sandra Nováková, Dagmar Havlová, Oldřich Navrátil, Jakub Hladík, Jiří Strach (more)
(more professions)


Reviews (3)


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English Despite the dozens of reruns that still await us, I will definitely not resist at least one more. Poetic, touching, and very personal for everyone who has ever dated a friend. ()


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English The most amazing adaptation of a book to the television screen. What Karel Smyczek has achieved is unreal, exceptionally successful and charming. For me, It represents Bylo nás pět an immortal series that I can watch ten times, twenty times and my heart will still dance with joy. Karel Smyczek deserves immense admiration. ()



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English A big part of my childhood that has not lost its charm even on the tenth viewing. Smyczek's captivating narration accompanied by the brilliant performances led by Navratil and Nárožný works wonders. 100% ()

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