
The latest product of the Tannis Corporation, a $6 billion operation and home to some of the military's most top-secret experiments, is a cyborg. It's designed to be the ultimate cop, one who acts as judge, jury, and executioner all in one. Stark (John Laughlin), a highly skilled and insightful cyborg, refuses to be treated as an experiment any longer. Leaving a trail of dead soldiers in his wake, Stark escapes from his high-security birthplace and sets off in search of a new life. Desperate for a place to rest after eluding his captors, Stark stumbles across the beautiful Grace's (Carol Alt) house. At first intimidated, Grace soon trusts Stark and lets him into her home. Besides, she can't exactly call the police on him…and risk them discovering her dead husband upstairs. Corporal Roth (Corey Feldman) is part of a team of the most rough 'n tumble mercenaries around, who specialize in retrieving irretrievable soldiers. As Denton's (Rick Hill) men converge on the house, Grace must decide once and for all which side of the law she is on. (Echo Bridge Entertainment)

