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Reviews (2,763)


The Blob (1958) 

English This is pretty bad. A minimum of scenes with slime and those that there are have dime-store special effects. There is not a single shot in the film with slime and a human at the same time. Always just a shot of slime stuck on a ridiculous dummy and then a shot of the actors screaming or running away. But the worst thing about The Blob is the seriously intended but terrible dialogue! As the group wanders through the woods, they hear a dog barking in the distance, “Did you hear that! There must be a house nearby! No, that wasn't a house; it was a dog!”


Frailty (2001) 

English Frailty is a gritty thriller and an unintentional self-parody at the same time. Bill Paxton isn’t so much a bad guy as a naïve director. If Sam Raimi (who receives “special thanks” in the closing credits) had made this film, it could have been a solid thriller. As it is, it’s just a slap in the face to anyone who underestimates Shyamalan’s Signs as a fable about faith.


House of Frankenstein (1944) 

English The screenwriter of House of Frankenstein brought all of the famous monsters of the 1930s and ’40s to life in a single film and mixed them into a fun, never boring plot cocktail. Nicely filmed, cast and acted. Packed with endearing nostalgia. But don’t expect a dramatic masterpiece along the lines of Bride of Frankenstein. This film isn’t that strong, nor does it have such a big heart. It’s just pleasant entertainment for interested fans.


Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals (1977) Boo!

English Unbelievable bullshit. Even  Edward D. Wood could have done better. Boring, cringeworthy daytime shots alternate with night-time shots, there is minimal cannibalism and even the eroticism doesn't work. A complete waste of time.


The Experiment (2001) 

English The psychology doesn’t work too well for director Hirschbiegel in the first three quarters of The Experiment, but he demonstrates his skill with the action in the last quarter. This is an OK thriller, but it’s outshined by Shallow Grave and even Cube.


Ken Park (2002) 

English If there is an art to filming shit and its aroma, then this film is great art.


Čert ví proč (2003) 

English Nice camerawork and sets. The actors are also pleasant, with the exception of the king, who is more suited to wearing a butcher’s tunic. The screenplay and  especially the directing seem overly routine, as if done out of obligation. And because of that, the film lacks what makes the old Czech fairy tales immortal: Heart.


Fight Club (1999) 

English At the age of eighteen, when I was angry at the system and I liked the Doors (the band) and Pulp Fiction, Fight Club would have been the movie of my life. But today, I don’t think I could be a movie star even if I really wanted to and did everything necessary to achieve that. And I've learned to get by in the system. Which is sufficient reason for me to think of this movie as just very spectacularly filmed bullshit.


Daredevil (2003) 

English Daredevil is a relatively entertaining movie with great jokes, but it’s unintentionally comical in the dramatic moments. Colin Farrell is great, Ben Affleck seems bored and Michael Clarke Duncan doesn’t fit in at all. And the action is routine. This is just an average comic-book movie and it’s the first one that made me want the bad guy to kick the main character’s ass, which surely was not what the filmmakers were aiming for.


It! The Terror from Beyond Space (1958) 

English There is always something happening in this likably short sci-fi flick. And you can even see an effort to actually depict characters. However, the situations and the acting (i.e. the directing) are so poorly handled that they drag the whole thing down to the level of a B-movie. It’s a shame that the actors look like they have a chicken running around on their ship. Along with the director, they butcher a rather decent screenplay.