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Reviews (2,302)


The Salvation (2014) 

English A Danish minimalist western with the excellent Mikkelsen. In places, Levring quotes Leone verbatim, not hesitating even to give greater dimension to the characters, perhaps with a touching memory. The straightforward story with a bloody climax will please fans of this genre. The juicy acting performances (Pryce is perfect in the coffin) enhance the terrifying atmosphere of fear. It’s just a shame that Eva doesn’t have much to say and doesn’t come across as particularly sexy. Why couldn’t Jonah Hex have turned out like this?


The Lighthouse (2019) 

English A sea the color of crude oil and the light of the lighthouse like the Divine Light. A crushing atmosphere of bullying, lies and madness. A great screenplay with psychologically unstable characters in the main roles, who move the action along with drunken spouting and gradual confiding in each other as they come face to face with starving to death. Teh farting Dafoe delivers an acting masterclass and the masturbating Pattinson is his star pupil who isn’t afraid of taking things to extremes. The mermaid hallucinations and being buried alive are moments of the year. Aye, lad!


Maria Theresa - Season 1 (2017) (season) 

English Boring blurb like out of a text book with no historical grounding, focused on relationships. You can hear the paper rustle during the miserable dialogs. Legs of ham for actors. The interiors are exactly what you might see on any castle tour. In term of Central European television, this is a megalomaniac project, but what’s the point if it tells us nothing new?


The Mandalorian (2019) (series) 

English A great western-style offering from the Star Wars universe. Likeable characters who just don’t mess around, excellent action and quality special effects. Little Yoda and Eyegee-Eleven rule this series. A new Mandalorian is in training for the next season.


Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) 

English A high-octane rollercoaster ride from start to finish. Abrams is no longer afraid to choose his own path, but he has so little damn time and just one film in which to demonstrate all of his ideas. So he dishes them all out like french fries. The action scenes are great and the outcome is pretty interesting, but all of the sprinting and redundant fan-service takes away from the movie.


The Witcher (2019) (series) 

English Netflix hits the bull's eye again, providing an ointment against pangs of longing for Game of Thrones. I know Sapkowski’s original only from hearsay and I was saving it (for later), but it’s great fun like everyone promised. Swords and magic in all shapes and sizes (if only someone could film a good Conan at last) and with the perfect cast. Cavill plays a hardass mountain of a guy, roaring and muttering (I have been given an assignment to look like him, so beware of the side effects if you watch this with your better half), enjoying himself thoroughly. I did find it a bit hard to decide when the action was taking place (while I managed season 2 of Westworld with no problem), but in the end everything fell into place. The series finale gives you an appetite for more stories like this, so lay them on us.


Mr. Robot - Season 4 (2019) (season) 

English Clever and compact. The last season took Mr. Robot to the finish line, but not without the greatest of sacrifices. With precision camerawork, Esmail presents a psychological deconstruction of Eliot Alderson and, despite frequent pop-culture references, also manages to be unbelievably original. Masterful plot twists and tricks played on the viewer. The most powerful aspect is the dialogue about humaneness and the end of all that is good inside us. The closing two-part episode that negates everything that has been presented so far is a surprise. A story about hearing voices.


Mr. Robot - Hello, Elliot (2019) (episode) 

English A smart ending; strong, sad, but also full of hope, and perfectly shot. One of the best TV projects I’ve ever seen.


Drunken Master (1978) 

English A plethora of exquisite fights. Young Jackie is even more rubbery than we know. The story is more of a simple fairy tale, but that's fine… when she's the right age I'll let the little one study kung fu.


Mr. Robot - whoami (2019) (episode) 

English Esmail raised the bar even higher before the end. At its core, Mr. Robot remains an intimate social drama, but what happens to the world around it adds an even more devastating depth. Now is just about tapping the ball into the hole.