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Reviews (2,274)


Stand by Me (1986) 

English I first saw Stand by Me a long, long time ago, before I’d even read the original short story by King (I didn’t notice that I knew the story until the separate scenes of the movie started to unfold in front of me) and I really liked it. Now, god knows how many years later, almost nothing has changed. Maybe just that I savored it more and enjoyed seeing the young Kiefer “Jack Bauer" Sutherland in the role of Ace. The young actors put on amazing performances, most of all River Phoenix, who is no longer with us. This really is one of the best adaptations of a King book.


The Sentinel (2006) 

English Cold turkey from a lack of Jack Bauer began to kick in sooner than I expected. That’s why I even bothered to dig up The Sentinel from the abyss of history. I must say that Kiefer Sutherland didn’t disappoint me in this respect, he’s just great in this sort of role and Michael Douglas also has a lot of punch in him for his age (both in terms of acting and his fists). The biggest downside of the movie is the screenplay, which is rather strange when they has such a quality topic in their hands. But otherwise it’s a fairly tasty snack for a dreary afternoon. 60%


Mr. Deeds (2002) 

English A wonderful Sandler flick that manages to squeeze everything possible from the dime-a-dozen story. Plus we get the gorgeous Winona Ryder and excellent cameos from John Turturro and Steve Buscemi + a great story about Stephen King. And the twist at the end is totally unexpected. :-)


The Warlords (2007) 

English The rather poor story is saved by the captivating visuals and excellently filmed battles. As for the actors, I have nothing unusual to report. Jet Li is excellent and Takeshi Kaneshiro and Andy Lau are also very good. The music (apart from two motifs pinched from Hans Zimmer) is also commendable.


S1m0ne (2002) 

English Perfect, funny, clever and relevant. The top-notch performances, especially by Al Pacino and Rachel Roberts, only underscore Andrew Niccol's directorial virtuosity. A great story and a great film. There’s nothing left to say. 100%


Rambo (2008) 

English Sly did it again. Rambo is back and, just like Rocky, he was treated to a very honorable end (even though, who knows, they say that number five is a sure thing). Stallone brought with him heaps of good actors, familiar faces from other series (Rita from Dexter will be winking out at you, as well as Ryan Chapelle from 24 and we also find out where that soldier who was bullying Desmond on the training field in Lost ended up :-)) and he did good, because they cover his back without tripping him up much. Some philosophizing at the beginning which we saw in the trailers already, we go on a journey to places where no normal person would go on vacation (pigs eat people there, not the other way round), the terrifying landscape decorated with rotting bodies and heads on stakes simply swallows you in. The action scenes are raw and bloody, perhaps more than we were used to in previous Rambos), but darn powerful (the mine and the final “shootout" are definitely the pinnacle of the entire picture). Stallone as a director knows very well what he wants to achieve and has no problem in sticking to it while grabbing the attention. The circle closes as such a matter of course that I take my hat off to him. The end is also really nostalgic and that always gets to a real fan. A large contribution was also made by perfect music from Bryan Tyler who put the main musical theme to excellent use.


The Untouchables (1987) 

English A top-notch gangster movie with excellent actors. I was almost surprised at Kevin Costner’s performance and I think that this was one of his best roles ever. De Palma played about with the camera as always and giving some scenes (for instance watching Malone in the house) a more interesting allure. An excellent watch that is almost as old as I am. :-)


Jumper (2008) 

English To tell the truth, the Jumper universe idea intrigued me from the moment I heard about it. A great topic, but the same doesn’t apply to the screenplay (and who knows, maybe not to the novel either). Plus, Liman’s central storyline falls apart in his hands, but I have no idea why. It’s as if got carried away with the historical monuments and the beautiful shots of exotic locations and I don’t wish to get into that dumbly constructed romantic storyline, but rather concentrate on the main reasons why this movie was made (I mean of course the “jumping" and the Paladins). The acting performances aren’t up to much either. It was like Christensen was playing a fifteen-year-old (either on purpose or he was just that bad, no matter), Rachel Bilson is just for decoration and Samuel L. Jackson should have shaved his head (he could at least command a little respect). I think that just Jamie Bell endured it all without serious damage to his (and my) soul. But enough criticism. The movie contains quite a lot of good scenes worth seeing and as a spring snack, Jumper is still pleasantly digestible. But if they’re planning a sequel, I strongly recommend trying a new screenwriter.


The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007) 

English Brad Pitt gave one of the best performances of his career, and if Andrew Dominic hadn't made it so long, this might have been one of his best movies. The unnecessary rambling of the story takes away from its intensity and distracts from the main plot. I guess that's the only thing that bothered me. The other actors do their best, too, and Casey Affleck is either a great actor or a total douche in reality. Ford is an ugly figure, and even the ending couldn't redeem him in any way. He did what he did, and I didn't care at all that he regretted it. A young naïve fool who wanted to become famous and killed his friend. In a cowardly way, from behind, and for no fundamental reason. We shouldn't kill our heroes, we should look up to them. A very strong four star rating.


Ed Wood (1994) 

English A truly strange biopic of the worst director of all time. Johnny Depp's excellent performance is overshadowed only by the amazing Martin Landau, who really brings Bela Lugosi to life.