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Reviews (10,848)


How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (1966) (TV movie) 

English I liked the live-action version a lot - I do like Jim Carrey after all, but I have to admit that even the short animated version still has a lot going for it. For example, the way the Grinch moves is beautifully drawn. And to top it all off, Boris Karloff's voice doesn't disappoint even when you can't see his face. For me, the animated version is great.


Home Movie (2008) 

English For me, Home Movie is the film by which similar "home" horror films should be judged, i.e. tapes that someone makes in their private home and then a horror film comes out based on them. It has that found footage feel to it, but it's even more specific in that it's home video. This film is good. It has a very good atmosphere, and even if the picture is of poor quality and even if the camera is shaky in places, you can still see quite a lot.


Hope and Glory (1987) 

English Hope and Glory proves that you can make all sorts of films about war. It's not a drama where there is no premise, because it's a film about how a child perceives war and how his view is distorted, which can be comical on the one hand, but on the other, it can make you squirm in your chair.


He Walked by Night (1948) 

English "Black and white simply suits noir - in fact, the name itself is fitting - and in the movie "He Walked by Night," you can see how important and effective the play of light and shadow is. It makes up at least half of the overall impression that the film will have on you. The second part is mainly made up of the story and its acting portrayal."


Hickok (2017) 

English Westerns are popular again, so it's clear that not only great films will be made, but also some that just don't stand out in any way. And that's what Hickok is. While it doesn't have a downright bad cast and acting legends do appear in it, it's not enough to make it interesting and successful with audiences.


Heartbeats (2017) 

English You’ll tend to watch a film like this because you want to see interesting dance numbers. I have to admit that I liked the combination of modern dance with Indian dance. In truth though, it's really only the dance numbers that I enjoyed here, because the story that unfolds is unfortunately a fairly expected bore that fails to impress.


Holiday Joy (2016) (TV movie) 

English This is actually sort of a classic family film that's lucky enough to have a girl who's nice to look at and who's still pretty naive, so you tend to believe in her all the way through. However, the plot management is quite boring and doesn't offer much. There is an idea in there, but overall it gets lost in how positive it all is and that it has to turn out well.


Hampstead (2017) 

English It is actually quite an ordinary romance, but thanks to the presence of such good actors, you want to experience it with them. Moreover, it's nice to see that romance doesn't avoid any age group. However, the plot is quite predictable and it doesn't really surprise, not even in the end where everything turns out as well as it should. It's a pity.


Harmony (2015) 

English This film is very stretched out, but it's quite good to watch in certain parts. You can see that even anime is evolving and the classic artwork has new elements, and it's more perfect in some ways. Graphically, the film is good, but I still think it's too long and the plot is not as interesting as it would like to be.


Gun Shy (2017) 

English At times the film is quite idiotic and fails to entertain, but at other times it's a pretty silly film that can make you laugh. Antonio Banderas enjoyed the filming, if nothing else, but the viewer may not have that same experience with it. Still, it has a pretty good drive and for me it was bearable until the very end. There should have been more better jokes.